Padi - Harmoni (Cover)

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Aku mengenal dikau
I've know you
Tak cukup lama
Not that long
Separuh usiaku
Half my age
Namun begitu banyak
But there was so much
Pelajaran yang aku terima
Lessons that I've received

Kau membuatku mengerti hidup ini
You make me understand this life
Kita terlahir bagai selembar kertas putih
We're born as a white paper
Tinggal kulukis dengan tinta pesan damai
I merely have to paint it with a peace message's ink
'Kan terwujud harmoni
They would form harmony
Huu... Haa... Haa... Huu...

Segala kebaikan
Every kindness
Takkan terhapus
Won't erased
Oleh kepahitan
By bitterness
Kulapangkan resah jiwa
I opened my restless soul
Karena kupercaya
Because I believe
'Kan berujung indah
It'll all end beautifully

Kau membuatku mengerti hidup ini
You make me understand this life
Kita terlahir bagai selembar kertas putih
We're born as a white paper
Tinggal kulukis dengan tinta pesan damai
I merely have to paint it with a peace message's ink
'Kan terwujud harmoni
They would form harmony

Kau membuatku mengerti hidup ini
You make me understand this life
Kita terlahir bagai selembar kertas putih
We're born as a white paper
Tinggal kulukis dengan tinta pesan damai
I merely have to paint it with a peace message's ink
'Kan terwujud harmoni
They would form harmony

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