The Glass House

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When I was in middle school we had just moved into this four bedroom two bath house. I called it the glass house. Honestly it wasn't even made out of glass it just had a lot of mirrors inside of it. The living room walls were completely covered with mirrors. In my little sisters rooms their whole walls were covered in mirrors. The kitchen underneath all the cabinets were a whole bunch of mirrors just decorating along the top of the counter. My bedroom was plain and only had sliding glass mirrors as my closet doors. I actually liked living there for a while. It was actually my favorite house that we ever lived in.

I believe I was in seventh grade when we live there. I had met my first crush there. But with me liking a guy I made very stupid decisions.

There was this one time when we were all there at home. My dad was sleeping in his bedroom all the way in the back of the house. You had to go completely around the house in like a U-shaped just to get from his room to my room. Well one day because I was stupid and naïve I had gotten my phone taken away from me a few days back. So I snuck into my dad's room and I took back my phone that was laying on his headboard above him.
I ran back into my room and I started texting the boy had a crush on. Well because I'm so stupid and everything. I got caught.

My dad came into my room and I was still stupidly looking at my phone, sitting on my floor where I had made like a little library for myself. He came in and snatched the phone from me, calling me a stupid little bitch for stealing right from underneath his nose.

Before he left my room he grabbed a book off of my shelf next to the door. It was one of my school text books. I believe it was my history book in all reality. He took the book and he chucked it at my head.

The edge of the book end up slamming in my temple. It was horrible I was crying when in all reality it was all my fault for being so stupid and rebellious and going to grab my phone. I understand that him throwing the book at me was his fault and it wasn't OK. But me getting yelled at and my phone taken away again was all on me.


There is this one day my step mom had gotten furious at me I don't actually know exactly why she was mad at me, but we had this huge argument. I slammed my door shut in her face. She broke down the door getting inside. Then she came at me with this red cup in her hand. You know the kind of cup I'm talking about like those red solo cups. Well she had Dr Pepper and ice inside of it. She ended up chucking it at me.

She threw the cup down and then her hands started beating me. At that point I had no clue what the hell to do. I mean I fought with my sister a lot but no I've never once tried fighting with my stepmom. She just kept hitting me with her hands nonstop. Finally I just went into defense. I put my hands up and I just block my face I mean what can I really do? At one point in time my aunt- her sister-came barging into the room. She ended up coming in between us. With her there my step mom stopped throwing punches.

I walked out the next day with a black eye and a swollen lip. I called my gma and spent the weekend with her. My dad wouldn't even look at me or talk to me. I was depressed. I remember running to my Gma's car and her yelling at them once she saw my face. She was pissed. I couldn't blame her.

I still don't remember how I got my step mom that mad. She never hit me that bad again.


❌Something to laugh about❌

What is the funniest/stupidest thing you have ever done to get out of chores??

Here's my stupid story.

First let me show you how the kitchen was set up...

Just so you know I'm not an artist when it comes to drawing a house from memory 😂😂

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Just so you know I'm not an artist when it comes to drawing a house from memory 😂😂



I was in the kitchen doing the dishes (I make a horrible mess when I clean dishes. I'm short so the water always finds it's way to the floor) when I spot my dad walking towards the kitchen through the window connecting from the kitchen to my little sisters room. "Randomly" I slipped and fell on my butt on the kitchen floor. I started fake crying. Tears pouring out of my eyes onto my cheeks. My little brother standing next to me bending down asking me if I'm okay. I shake my head no and make my cries louder. My dad comes into view asking what happened. I fake stuttered as I "fail trying" to get up. My dad helps me up and told me to go lye down until it's time for dinner. I nod weakly and make my way to my room. Of course still keeping up the hurt act I cry all the way to my room. Letting out fake sobs. Once in my room I close the door wipe my face off and lay down on my bed reading a book.

How stupid is that! I still feel very proud of myself for that. I'm very good at acting trust me I have no idea where I got my talents from but I'm amazing. I told my family one day that I was acting and soon they all ended up asking me to act for them every once in awhile.

My older sister had me pretend to be our mom to get out of school. You should have seen my sister's jaw drop when she heard me talking to the school. She said it was scary how different I sounded.

My brother asked me to pretend to be the stupidest things you can imagine. I always had fun when he asked me.

My dad even had me pretend to be severely hurt one day when I was at school so he could get out of work. He texted me telling me to call his boss and pretend that I hurt myself so he could get out of work I told him I'd only do it if he came and got me out of school as well. He agreed so I called his boss asking for my dad saying he wasn't picking up his phone and I needed him to pick me up from school because I fell down the stairs and scraped my legs. I was crying and pleading his boss immediately told my dad to take the rest of the day off. I hung up the phone and laughed because all of my friends were staring at me like I was crazy. I told them. "You gotta do what you gotta do to get out of this hell." (Aka school) They all laughed and I made my way to the front of the school telling them my dad was picking me up.

Acting helps you out every now and then. But once I figured out how good I am at acting. I never realized how much I acted every single day pretending to be happy around everyone. Once I figured that out it became really hard to keep up the charade...

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You have no idea how much it means.
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Thank you so much!

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