03 - the one with the pancakes

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that was a really close one.


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               the sun was already high in the sky when chandler woke up. his head then started pounding and he winced in pain. his mouth was dry and he really needed to drink some water. as he slowly rose from his bed, he realized that he had to go to the bathroom too.

               his bedroom door and the bathroom one opened simultaneously. he then saw lucia stepping out of it which made him really confused. he didn't remember her coming to his apartment last night. examining the way she was dressed, he noticed that she was wearing joey's clothes. something that made him even more confused.

               "hi" she said, clearing her throat. chandler then realized that he had been staring and hadn't said anything since she stepped out of the bathroom. "hey. what-what are you doing here?"

               "i spent the night here. joey told me to stay here because i was alone, it was quite late and he didn't want anything to happen to me." chandler nodded, trying to remember when it happened. except he couldn't. "why don't i remember it happening?"

               "you'd already gone back here by this time."

               "so you two?" lucia frowned, not sure to understand his question. "you think joey and i slept together?!" chandler nodded, like his question was obvious.

               "ew! no, never! actually i slept on the sofa." lucia explained, reassuring him. "um-yeah okay. cool."

                then, an awkward silence settled place in the room. both of them didn't know what to do and were just standing there, avoiding each others gaze. however, chandler need to pee was increasing by the second and he soon couldn't stand it anymore. without saying anything, he just ran past lucia and into the bathroom.

               she snorted and sat on the sofa. last night when joey took her back here, she didn't really pay attention to the place, but now in the daylight she could really see what she was surrounded by. on the wall, there was a framed picture of laurel and hardy, under which was a desk that seemed to be rarely used and next to it, was a tv.

               in front of her was a coffee table where many books were scattered. lucia picked up one of them and started reading the summary when chandler finally came out of the bathroom. she looked at him and raised her left eyebrow. he shrugged saying "emergency."

               he made his way toward the kitchen and took a bottle of juice out of the fridge. "you're hungry? i can make pancakes if you want."

𝐜𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞, bing c.Where stories live. Discover now