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The one way we can express ourselves,

Without actually telling the whole story

We can make it beautiful and mysterious,

Or we can make it sad and mystical

We could make it happy and funny

It doesn't really matter

Because all in all, its poetry

Sometimes we use poetry for different things

Poetry could be an escape

Poetry could be an art

Or maybe it could simply make you happy

Its up for you to decide

Because you control this story

You make up what happens

We put our feelings onto paper

We express ourselves,

Because in other ways we can't

Its a flaw

But we've kept a mask

We have flaws,all our own

I keep a mask,hiding me away from people,

Afraid to get hurt again

Not letting myself go

You may have trouble finding a way to express yourself,as I do,

But you express in poetry

We all have different flaws,

And they all make us beautiful,and strong

Because nothing can bring us down

Poetry helps us

Never spoke,

Yet in contrast,

Never stopped writing

We would write and write

For hours a day

Never to stop

Only to say

'Poetry is an escape many have found,yet none are bound.'

Only One Way To NeverlandWhere stories live. Discover now