Part 4 - A Date

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Colleen Romanov put the finishing touches on Maryam's hands. "These aren't traditional designs," Maryam carped.

"Well, it's a nontraditional day, in a lot of ways. I've already done Tracey's hands. Just remember, don't touch the back of your hands."

Maryam inspected the back of her hands. "It's definitely nontraditional. So, let's see, this is a procul, right?" She indicated a painting of what looked like a cloud with a lot of legs.

"Yes, that's supposed to be a procul, but I didn't get in all fourteen legs. And here," Colleen indicated a painting of a clam shell with legs sticking out of the bottom of it, "is a malostrea."

"So you've got me sporting both of the animals we found on Amity, even though I'm getting married on the ship."

"Well, yes; they are a part of our lives now, even if the malostrea are only for filming and study, and the procul are, well, mainly good for sandwiches."

"None today; the chef told me that they are out of all meat that has not been replicated. We agreed that it is halal if it's replicated – after all, there is no animal to slaughter – but he said that he thought it would be better to have fresh ingredients. There is so much from the harvest on Paradise! We should have a lot of choices."

"We'll get to Amity for a harvest soon enough," Colleen stated. "I can't wait for a fresh pear."

"I just can't wait to be done. Today is making me a bit nervous." Maryam looked at Colleen and then added hastily, "I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's okay. Someone's bound to work out soon enough. See, the problem is, you go on your first date and then, suddenly, you're steady and then you're living together, then you're getting married and suddenly you're pregnant! There's no in between time, no thinking about it and no weighing of your options, except for before. So I'm weighing my options these days."

"Any options in particular?"

"Novakovich is one," Colleen said, "Another is Woods. Also Moreno – he's another MACO. There are Hogkins and Curtis, too, but they're both, I dunno, they come on too strong."

"What about Ramih?" asked Maryam.

"You're already trying to fix him up with someone?"

"I just want him to be all right," Maryam said.


Almost everyone was in the cafeteria. There was a skeleton crew on the Bridge and Andy and Shelby were in Sick Bay with Ethan Shapiro. The night shift was asleep, but most of the others were at the celebration.

"First, we have the signing of the contract. I will read the contract," Jonathan said, looking at a PADD. "I, Azar Hamidi, promise to lovingly and faithfully care for Maryam Haroun for the remainder of our days. I further promise to faithfully and lovingly care for any children that we have." He handed Azar a stylus.

"I do so promise," Azar vowed and then he signed. He handed Maryam a ring. "I give this ring as a meher, the prompt for the marriage price." She put the ring on.

"I, Maryam Haroun," Jonathan read, "promise to faithfully love and obey and keep the secrets of my home with Azar Hamidi. I promise to faithfully and lovingly care for any children that we have."

"I do so promise," Maryam smiled. She, too, signed.

"I would like to speak about a passage that the bride and groom have selected for today. Instead of being from the Koran, this passage is from the Old Testament. It's about Solomon. They felt it was appropriate for today," Jonathan announced.

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