Chapter 3-Adrien Is A Pervert

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The next morning, Marinette woke up and immediately looked at her phone, "Wow... I didn't oversleep for once in my lifetime..." she gets out of bed and takes a shower. "I need to wash my bedsheets when I get home..." Marinette finished getting ready for the day, and headed out towards school, "Bye Papa! Love you!"

"I love you too, have a good day!"

She opened the door and walked through it, "Thank you, I will!" And she closed the door.

"Girl! You're finally at school on time!" Marinette's best friend Alya said to her as Marinette walks in the classroom.

She smiles, "Ha, ha very funny." She says as she sits down.

"Hey, Marinette!" Adrien said, turning around to face her.

Marinette immediately turned red, "H-hi Adrien!"

He smirks, "How was your day yesterday?"

"It was fine, nothing out of the normal..." she said quietly, looking at the ground and fidgeting with her hands. "Why is he smirking?" She thought.

"Are you sure...?" He smirked even bigger.

She looked up at him, "Why are you so interested in how my day was yesterday??"

"Because I'm friends with Chat Noir..." he paused before adding, "He told me something that you were involved with..." he got closer and smirked the biggest he ever had, "Something to do with loosing your virginity..."

Alya must have heard him because she yelled, "WHAT THE HELL??"

"Alya! Go to the office immediately! You do not use that kind of language in this classroom!!" The teacher turned from writing on the board to point to the door.

Marinette's face was so red that she could be mistaken for a tomato, "I- I- I D-d-Don't kn-Know what y-your ta-talking a-about..." She stuttered like crazy, still not looking up.

Her phone buzzed from her pocket and even though she was in class, she answered. It was from Alya.

M: Come to my house after school. I'll explain to you then. Promise.
A: Girl, you better...

Marinette shut off her phone and moved her focus to the lesson.

~~Time jump to lunch cause I'm lazy~~

Marinette, Nino, Adrien, and Alya all meet in the lunchroom.

"Hey, Alya. How did the office go?" Nino laughed.

"Not funny," She replied, crossing her arms, "I got after school detentions for a week.

"Ouch. At least you didn't get suspended." Adrien pointed out.

Marinette suddenly got an idea, "I know what will cheer you up! We should play a game."

Alya's attitude suddenly changes, "Oh yeah! We should play truth or dare. Everyone down?"
Everyone nods at her, and finishes eating quickly so they don't have to have their food in the way.

"Okay, let's get started. I'll go first." Alya said, sitting down from throwing away her trash. "Truth or dare Adrien?"

He thinks about it before answering, "Truth."

"Do you have a crush on someone in this room?"

"Um.. y-yeah.." he turns a light shade of red.

"Cute..." Marinette thinks to herself. "Wait.. who?!"

"Marinette? Are you gonna answer Adrien?" Nino waved his arms in front of her.

"Oh right sorry... truth." She said, loosing her train of thought.

Adrien smirked, and Marinette immediately regretted her decision, "Is it true that you lost your virginity to Chat Noir?"

Marinette immediately went red and stuttered like crazy, "Uh um I-I uh... Maybe?"

Nino and Alya were both shocked, "WHAT??" They both screamed at the same time.

Adrien laughed, "Why is she so freaking cute?"

Lunch was over, and they continued the game after school, even though it gradually turns into just a game between Marinette and Adrien. They were at Adrien's mansion, and it was Marinette's turn, "So Adrien... Truth or dare?"

He doesn't hesitate one bit, "Dare."

It was her time to smirk, "I dare you to let me look through your bag,"

"Why would you want to do that?"

She grabs his bag, "So I can see if your really my kitty."

He turned red, and then said, "How did you find out?? Er- I mean... um.."

She laughed, "Aw! Is this your kwami?? He's so cute!"

"I am NOT cute!" Adrien's kwami, Plagg scoffed.

"Wait.." Adrien began, and then grabbed Marinette's hand, "Ladybug?"

"What!? How did you find out?!" She ripped her hand from his.

He smiled, "You know what a kwami is, and this just gives me the final proof." He grabbed her chin this time.

"This isn't how I wanted this to go... the reveal I mean... I was expecting something far more... dramatic? I don't really know, I guess." She sat there, confused. "WAIT!! That means... I.. oh my god... I can't believe that I lost my virginity to Adrien Agreste!" She thinks out loud. "My freaking crush since the first day of school!!"

"Better believe it, Princess. Or should I say bugaboo? M'lady? I don't know what to call you now. Wait? I'm your crush?" He asks, red forming at the cheeks.

"Ummm.... no?"

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