Chapter 7- Caught Red Handed

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Marinette's mom, Sabine must have awoken, and walked out of her bedroom, "Marinette? Is that Adrien Agreste? What is he doing here?"

Marinette and Adrien blush's furiously, "Uhh..." they both couldn't say anything else.


"Marinette..?" Sabine started.

Marinette interrupted her, looking at the ground as she spoke very quickly, "I'm so sorry mom we've been seeing each other for a long time and we may have done somethings that you wouldn't approve of and I just really love him okay? I'm really really sorry and I understand if you don't love me anymore and I'll move out and live on the streets and-" She was cut off.

"Sweetie, I'm always going to love you no matter what. We'll talk about this later. Next time just tell me these types of things. Now finish watching your movie." She gave Marinette a kiss on the forehead and went back into her room.

"That was..."

"Scary," Marinette finished Adrien's sentence.

Adrien nodded, and then hugged Mari from behind, "I love you too.. and you wouldn't have to live on the streets. You know you always have a bed at my place."

Marinette turned around and kissed Adrien, "Let's just finish the movie." Thy got back into the position they were in before, and they soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

Adrien woke up to the smell of sizzling bacon, and looked over to find Marinette, cooking some. "Good morning sleepy head." She said, smiling at him while she flipped some eggs.

"Do you like yours hard or soft?" She asked him.

Adrien smirked, "I like them hard."

Marinette knew what he meant by that and blushed, "Silly, Kitty." She muttered as Adrien made his way over to her.

"Need any help?" He offered.

She nodded and handed him a pair of tongs, "You can cook the bacon while I finish up the eggs."

"Anything for you, Princess."

She giggled as her dad, Tom, walked out of his room yawning, "Good morning, Sunshine," He said to his daughter, "What is the Agreste boy doing here?"

Adrien answered his question by giving Mari a small peck on her cheek, "We watched a movie last night, and I fell asleep here, Mr. Dupain-Cheng."

He looked skeptical, but let it slide, "I see... I'll leave you to it then. Is your mom down in the bakery?"

Marinette nodded.

Tom opened the door to make his way to help his wife, "Oh and Adrien? Just call me Tom." He smiled and shut the door behind him.

"That went..."

Marinette finished for him this time, "A lot better than expected." She smiled and kissed Adrien, who plated all the bacon. She did the same with the eggs, and they got their share. They sat on the couch together and watched tv while they ate.

Authors Note: I need more ideas.. I have no idea what to write next. Please leave suggestions in the comments.. thanks for reading!

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