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  First of all, thank you for reading this book if you are here! I really appreciate it! There are some things I need to clarify first, though. 

1.) Carnelian is in the Jade Winglet, but not Umber. I left him out because I just don't like his character in general. I feel like Tui just used him as a space filler, and I wouldn't be using Carnelian either for this reason, but she does have a semi-important role to play, so I decided to keep her in.

2.) A lot of things are the same from WoF, but some are also different. Hailstorm has still been missing for years, and got captured just like it told in book 7. Moonwatcher of course still has her powers too. Some things are different though, like obviously Carnelian isn't dead in this story. Also, the dragons in this story have breaks from school like us humans do, like Winter break, Spring break, etc. And, they mostly walk on two legs, also like people. They still look like dragons, though; this isn't the kind of thing where they are humans, because no offense, but I hate those kinds of stories.

3.) I may include OCs in this story. I already have a couple in mind, and if you would like yours to be featured, let me know and I will think about it.

4.) This is NOT A SEQUEL to Frigid Shadows, my first Winterwatcher fan fiction, so you don't have to read it to know what's going on in this story.

  With that out of the way, let the story begin!

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