Youth 01

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complete once again

We were there. During the days of our youth we would play under the bridge by the riverbank or race up the fire escape to reach the roof of the apartment complex. Back then we had nothing and everything to worry about, it was always the five of us on 98 Burlton Boulevard. We are here and this is us.

The rooftop hangout was transformed with banners, lights, and a banner saying: Welcome Back Diego! After three years, the fifth musketeer was returning home and his best friends were ready to greet him with a pie to the face.

"Rei stop looking at the photo album and come help us with Deigo's welcome back party."

Rei looked up from the photo album to see her best friend with one foot inside her apartment using both hands to push the window up to pop his head in. She was supposed to find some string to tie down the balloons when she got caught up in memories having found a photo album instead.


"Del found some string but clearly that doesn't matter to you. Come on, he's supposed to be back soon."

"Sorry Ash."

"Can you check up on Isa? See if the cake is done."

Asher stepped out onto the fire escape and climbed up to his rooftop apartment where the welcome party was being held. Rei put the photo album back and headed down one floor by the fire escape to the second window from the corner.

"Isa?" Rei called and knocked on the window five times. When he didn't answer, she pushed up the window and stepped into his apartment.

She headed into the kitchen to find Isaac piping on the final details onto their welcome back cake.

"You done?" Isaac asked Rei, not looking up from his cake.

"Del found it first, I just need to check up on you."

"You want a cookie before everyone else."

"This is why you're my favourite friend."

"Should I tell Ash this?" Isaac said while teasing the freshly baked cookies before Rei.

"Then I'll tell Delancy about your crush on her sister. While I'm at it, I should tell Rosemond too." Isaac froze at Rei's words and the Japanese teen used it as an opportunity to get her cookie. "Just kidding, of course."

Isaac shot her a playful glare but quickly returned to finish the cake when he noticed the time. Upstairs on the roof Delancy and Asher were adding some last minute detail to their hangout. Asher was blowing the balloons while Delancy tied them and weighed them down with a rock.

Off in the distance, a Spanish teen with his chin rested on his hand stared out of the car window. His music blasted through his headphones as if he was trying to block out the world. The photo he held his is hand flew away, he tried to grab it but gave up. Looking outside, his eyes were unfazed by the similar yet different scenery.

If it was three years ago, the thought of returning to Iroko would have been everything he wished for. Now, after everything that happened, he wasn't so sure if he could return to such a place with the memories it contained.

The Age of YouthWhere stories live. Discover now