Chapter One Blue eyes and high hopes

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                 "Merrily we fall out of line, out of line. I'd fall anywhere with you, I'm by your side." The words to my favorite song pierced the silence of the cold September air. I blinked sleepily and looked at my clock. Only 6:30. I could rest my eyes for just a moment... I convinced myself before lightly pressing the snooze button. After what seemed to be only a few precious moments more of sleep, my mom yelled my name, "It's 7 O'clock get up!" 

                  I let out a groan and rose to my feet, slowly pulling my shirt over my head. I usually hated school, but it was an excuse to see him, so I forced myself to keep going. I finished getting ready and rushed outside. The bus had just closed it's doors as I approached it. I beat on the doors until the driver noticed and opened them, "You're late." He said, voice dull with monotone. 

                   I nodded an understanding and walked to my usual seat in the very back of the bus. Stop by stop the bus filled with chattering voices and tired faces. I took a breath as we pulled into the school parking lot. I walked up to the doors checking my reflection quickly. I knew he wouldn't be there yet, but I couldn't help but look over the crowded cafeteria for his face. I took a seat with my friends in the cafeteria as we awaited our dismissal to the first class. 

                  Soon enough the bell rung, dismissing us. I pushed through the crowded hallway and into my first class, one of the first 3 I had with him. The late bell broke through the air just as he walked in. Late as usual. I smiled to myself. He went through his normal routine of asking the teacher loads of questions to buy us all time to finish homework if we forgot, then on to tapping his pencil on his desk to whatever melody was flowing through his mind at the time. 

                   My focus wandered away from the lesson and to the blue-eyed wonder that was Luke McCall. I let my eyes wonder to the other side of the room where he was sitting. He had slight bags under his eyes, meaning he hadn't got much sleep the night before. He always had those bags. I wondered what he did on those long night where sleep just couldn't seem to find him. 

                  The endless possibilities ran through my mind until the end of class. I slowly picked up my things, trying to pace myself so I could walk beside him. I was too shy to talk to him as usual but I thought that maybe if I stayed near him long enough he'd spark a  conversation. Instead, he stayed with his friends, not even once glancing at me. Typical. I couldn't be upset though, this is what happened every day. 

                    Soon enough free time rolled around. I was feeling a bit sick, and I'm pretty sure I looked miserable. My best friend Siera kept her eyes on  me for a moment, "I know what will make you feel better," I looked at her with interest  "What?" 

"I caught Luke staring at you a few seconds ago"



"Wait... was it an 'I like you.' stare or an 'Oh hey there's a person there.' stare?" 

"It was a kind of 'I want to talk to you.' stare. Acutally it kind of looked like he wanted to ask you something."

                 A blush spread quickly across my face, had Luke really been staring at me? Suddenly I was very curious. What would a guy like Luke want to ask me? Well I had been crying at lunch because of the pain in my stomach. Ladies, you'd understand. Maybe he wanted to ask me why I was in tears? Perhaps, but not likely. I was drumming my fingers on the picknic table in anticipation. The school day drug on and on, but somehow, by the end of the day I was dreading going home. 

                 As I approached the closed doors of my single-story house, I heard the screaming. I sighed, turned on my heels, and walked to the park. Every day it was the same. My parents were always at eadchother's throats. I pulled out my iPod and sat down on a park bench, turning the music up to full volume. My eyes drooped shut and I tilted my head up slightly. I could feel the warm sun beating down on my cheeks as the music played on. 

                     Suddenly the sun got blocked. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced next to me. There sat Luke, his blonde hair blowing slightly in the breeze. He wasn't exactly the buffest guy in the world, but at the same time, he wasn't just some limp noodle. He was tall and slender. A whole head taller than me, even though we were the same age. 

                    He mouthed something and I realized I was still wearing my headohones, "What?" I asked polietly. He chucked, "What are you listening to?" I smiled at that. Music was his life just as it was mine, "Nothing you'd like." He liked things like Linkin Park, Skrillex, the usual rock bands, and I preferred indie music like HeIsWe, "Well what is it? I might." I sighed in defeat and handed him one of the earphones.

                      Soon enough he was tapping his foot to the beat, a signal he liked the music that was blaring through. How was I sitting here next to Luke McCall. We'd only ever had 2 conversations, and they were those short meaningless ones that everyone has. I got up my nerve and spoke, "So how come you're here? I thought you liked staying at home." I said, then realizing I sounded rediculous, as his house was right across from where we were sitting.

                      "I saw you and you looked lonely." He admitted, eyes still closed. I couldn't seem to get it through my thick skull that he might actually like me. Just as Luke's beautiful blue eyes landed on me, my phone rang, "Hello?" I said without checking the caller ID. 

"I'd get home... now." My best friend's voice came over the reciever.


"Your mom just called and asked where you were. She sounded high."

"Fantastic..." I said, undetectable pain in my voice. My mother had always been  big on drugs. I hated it so much, but no matter what, she just wouldn't seem to stop. I hung up the phone after telling him I was coming. There was hardly an inch between Luke and I. I began to stutter.... great.  "I-I have to go, I'm sorry." I said, only to recieve a smile and a nod.

             He stood up as I did and handed me my headphone. He's usually a lot more talkitive than this, and can be very loud. I wondered what was wrong. I decided that I should get home before my mother got angrier. I simply gave him a smile and jogged home. The place was a mess, "Mom?" I asked into the clutter, "In here," She shouted back. I smiled and walked to my room. They must've had a real fight this time. They didn't do that often, it's usually just shouting back and forth, but both ways it's horrible. 


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