Chapter 8

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Summer was finally over it was time to resume classes Izuku ad become closer to Itsuka and spent their last few weeks of summer together.

Izuku,Tokoyami,Sato, Ojiro and Shoji also hung out and trained during the last days of summer.  The training was brutal but they saw amazing results within a short period of time. Izuku also said he'd be happy picking them up for school and dropping them off they all were agreed on being picked up but declined the ride home. Tokoyami and the guys didnt want to feel like they were taking advantage of Izuku they also pitched in for gas money.

The moment Izuku walked into class with his best friends everyone tried to rush him in an attempt to talk to Izuku but he wasnt having that. After arriving to class 5 minutes before the warning bell rang he got a surprise visitor.

It was none other that Itsuka who paid him a visit before going to her class.

Itsuka: Izu Ive missed you!

Izuku: Ive missed you too but we saw eachother last night, the day before that and the day before that.

Itsuka: I know but after you drop me off or when you leave i get lonely.

Izuku: I can fix that.

Izuku then pulled Itsuka by the waist and brought her closer to him as he kissed her lovingly. The moment was kid of ruined when they hear a familira voice

DarkShadow: Awwww you two look cute together.

As Izuku and Itsuka broke the kiss they saw DarkShadow in front of them while Tokoyami was trying his hardest from interrupting their moment.  Then at that instant they felt a massive flow of killing intent it was coming from Uraraka Ochako she had lost her mind seeing Izuku kiss another girl.

As she charged at Itsuka shouting " Stop Kissing My Man!"  While rushing Itsuka she didnt notice her activate her quirk as she was swatted away like an insignificant fly. Ochako's Gunhead Martial arts didn't stand a chance Ochako tried to rush Itsuka again but this time was caugh in mid air by DarkShadow.

Izuku had told Itsuka to leave and that he'd see her later as she left Izuku went super Nova on them.

Izuku: So it wasn't bad enough that you ignore my birthday... Now you try to ruin the happiness ive found! You all claim to be my friends but who does that kind of shit!

At this moment nobody dared to say a thing in this moment but just outside Aizawa heard this little altercation. He thought "damn he's usually calm and quiet" it was time to teach class.

When Aizawa walked in he welcomed his class back from break many thought that it would be an easy day like show up go through introductions of class expectations again and done. Aizawa held a card labled Surprise battle test many paled that they were hit with this right after they came back.

The 5 who knew of this were Izuku,Shoji,sato, ojiro and Tokoyami. As they headed toward the changing room to get ready many took notice of how slightly they changed.

Once outside everyone took notice of the slight changes that Izuku,Tokoyami,Sato,Ojiro and Shoji had these 5 looked slightly bigger in muscle mass as they waited for their teacher they noticed that the same teachers from their final came out and stood before them.

Nedzu: Hello welcome back i hoped you all enjoyed the summer now time for your welcome back test. This will be a massive brawl between Pros vs students the objective it to avoid being captured by us. If just one of you escapes then you all pass. We begin now you all get a 30 second head start.

As everyone ran many tried to approach Izuku in order to apologize but his only response was "Focus on the mission!" Once 30 seconds were up the teachers began to pursue students many of the students believe that the assignment was going to be easy until they were all captured within a few minutes after starting to exercise. Out of all 20 students only five remained uncaptured.

(On top of a roof)

Izuku: should we help them?

Izuku asked his buddies they all contenmplated for a moment but decided to help eventhough they're not on speaking terms. As they found a small gap in order to sneak past the teachers they use that opportunity in order to set the other students free. As a chime sound at off this alerted the teachers that students have cleared the training ground.when they turned around they noticed that no students were held captive by them.

Once everyone was reunited outside the training ground it was announced that 5 out of all 20 students did the best in this exercise while the rest of them were severely lacking. During this time principal Nedzu asked 5 students to step forward.

Nedzu: Will Izuku, Tokoyami,Shoji, Ojiro and Sato step forward please

As the 5 stepped forward what came out of principal Nedzu's mouth was a shock to everyone.

Nedzu: here are the transfer slips You 5 will now be a part of 1-B

As the 5 students who received the transfer slips left the teachers turned their attention toward the 15 who did poorly on the exercise they were given.

Aizawa: I'm greatly disappointed in all of you now that the five who just left class 1a doesn't really have any power house is left. If you all thought the bakugou and Todoroki made the powerhouses of 1A you're sorely mistaken.

When izuku, tokoyami, Sato,Ojiro and Shoji grabbed their things they headed towards 1-B as they walked in all eyes were on them Vlad sensei had to cut his lecture due to them entering.

Vlad: May i help You?

Izuku: We're your new transfer students.

Class1-B: What?!?!?

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