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Rows of girls were poked and prodded by the guards' swords as they staggered, barefoot, along the gravel road. They all ranged in different ages, some were children while others had developed into full womanhood, but all were treated the same way; like whores captured for trade.

Their feet blistering and bleeding, their chains swayed between each of the frail, drunken bodies as the shackles burned into their wrists from the scorching afternoon sun.

They were led up the wooden steps, careful to not step on the nails that stuck out of each step as they neared the makeshift stage on which they were presented to the people of Adorath. The town square grew wild as bidders, young and old, cried out, offering their gold and livestock for girls who were too drunk to fend themselves or too plumb to be betrothed.

As each girl was sold, a soldier sliced through the chains connecting one to the other and pushing them off the stage so that may fall to their knees in front of their new master, realisation of their new reality breaking through their drunken haze as their masters dragged their screaming and crying bodies away.

The last girl standing, who had barely reached the age of twelve, gazed out at the bidders who were left. None of them struck her as interesting, despite noticing that the bidders were part of two groups: fair, noble men who mostly had wives and children, or they were the less wealthy - farmers and ordinary villagers.

She had, though, noticed two hooded figures slinking in between people, nearing the front as the men shouted bids of a few chickens, a newborn calf, a female sheep, a few bags of silver or gold. She continued to peer down at the men, keeping her attention on the unknown persons discreet, however she saw that the shorter of the two had reached the very front, and the taller was making his way up the steps to speak to one of the guards. She couldn't make out the words being whispered between them, but she didn't dare turn to face them.

The guard seized her hands, and she began to thrash, unwilling to be sold for a mere amount of a few hens, when she saw the shorter hooded person walking up the steps to join the other. Tears sprung to her eyes as the guard slapped her across the face, reddening her cheek, in a means to stop her from resisting.

"You shall not harm the property of the Prince," a deep voice bellowed from behind her. Turning, she saw the figures remove their hoods and reveal themselves: the Crown Prince Fabian of Adorath, and his personal guard Lord Eoin. The guard shoved her to fall in front of the duo, however she merely stumbled and forced herself upright, keeping her chin up as she stared down the Prince.

"Kneel before your Prince," the Lord said unto her. She refused, by continuing to hold her gaze with the prince.

"I said, kneel, you wretch!" As Lord Oein was about to grab her, the Prince took his arm.

"No, she's quite all right not kneeling before me. Let's go."

The Lord nodded at the guard, as he began to march down the steps. The girl stepped on the back of his cloak, and it caught on one of the nails, ripping his cloak as she let go causing him to trip and fall down the rest of the way.

The Prince chuckled, and the girl suppressed a grin."What's your name?" he asked of her, to which she remained silent, only showing her still-shackled wrists. The Prince called the guard over to let her go, and they left for the Castle, the townspeople whispering to each other of the girl who refused to bow before the Prince.

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