Chappy Four: Because of me

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Khiara's POV

when Namichie and Jesha told me that my ex is in my school, my heart immediately beats fast and my hands are getting sweaty, I don't know but the guy I hurt, the guy I wanted to be with for the rest of my life, the guy who makes me happy, the guy I love so much, I wanted to cry, scream and celebrate that he is here, that I could make things right, but what if he don't want me anymore?? what if he likes someone else? what if he's now married?? but I don't care as long as his here..


Namichie called with her worried looks..


'he's not the guy you know, he's now different from the other Daniel you knew before..!!'

Jesha continued

'what do you mean??'

I said worriedly

'what we mean is, from a nice guy to a bad guy.. that's what we meant..!!'

'I still don't understand!!'

'Miss Montefalcon?? Mr. Mendez bullied another nerd, please do stop him!!'

a guy said giving Namichie a worried look.. wait?? Mendez??


I asked Namichie and she just nod, I've been absent for one month and he bullied nerds?? a guy said, another nerd, so  he's been doing this for so long already..

'there's no way he could do that?'

I said, Jesha just bowed down her head and Namichie just shrug..

'we'll be there, thanks!!'

Namichie said to that guy whom I supposed to think that her assistant here in school.. yeah she has an assistant because she is the heir of this school, this school is owned by his father so and she's the heir of this school because she's the only child they have..

'we told you, he's not the guy you knew..!'

'he's now different Kimi!!'

'let's face him..!!'

I told them and make my way to where Daniel bullied a nerd guy.. at first we just look and observe what Daniel will do to that poor nerd..

'I'm to kind to make it hard on you poor nerdy guy, so I will make it easy for you.. you have to clean that with the use of your tongue..!'

Daniel said, at first I thought he will stop what his friends are doing but he made it worst.. yeah maybe he really change..

'pardon sir??'

said the nerdy guy..

'owh you're not just a dumb ass nerd, you're also a deaf fucking nerd, tsk.. what-I-said-is-to-clean-my-shoe-with-the-use-of-your-tongue!! got it dumb fucking deaf nerd??'

as he said that I shouted stop.. I can't take his attitude anymore, I have to face him wether I like it or not..

as he turn his face to look at me he's smirking, what's his plan?? tsk..


if this is the guy I loved before, I might hug him tight as I can.. but I think his sudden change is because of me, because I hurt him, I gave him a painful past..

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