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Authors note 📝
Hey 👋 guys so I just want you to know that this is not an update just a Authors note 📝 but I am working on the next chapter so ya.

Anyway if you woman out there are going through a hard time in your life right now or if someone is telling you that you can't play a certain sport because your a girl and that team is only for man and boys.

If anyone tells you that you are crazy 😜 or the thing you might me doing is crazy 😝 or even tell you to stop chasing your dreams because it's way to crazy 😜 ever heard anyone tell you that ? Well if yes I say don't listen to them block out the haters because I can tell you now haters gonna hate and let me to you this so man and boys are scared of us woman 👩 but who cares let's just go and achieve our DREAMS!!!!!!

( let's go laddies and show the man and boys who we can be together no matter the weather)


( let's be crazy 😝 together and make our dreams come true no matter what us woman need to stick together!!! )

I found these two videos and found it very inspiring so I hope that you guys find them both very inspiring as well.

Stay strong 💪!!!

Us woman can become greater and achieve great things together!!!

Love 💕 ya all!!!

Once agin ................ HAPPY 😊 INTERNATIONAL WOMAN'S DAY!!! ( let's us all celebrate 🎉🎊 this day together)

( word count 251 )

That's whats up // Zach Herron // * On Hold *Where stories live. Discover now