Chapter 6

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I barely put the car in park getting out with Duron and Richard behind me basically running inside the ER

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I barely put the car in park getting out with Duron and Richard behind me basically running inside the ER. Getting that call that they were tagged had my blood and heart beat pacing, I couldn't think straight. " We're here for Desmond Heights." Duron said. " And Aliyah Makoa." I finished. The receptionist looked up at us and then the computer typing away. " Excuse me ma-

" I heard you the first time....go wait in the lobby area." She replied. " BITCH THE FUCK YOU MEAN WAIT IN THE LOBBY....IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHERE MY FUCKING BROTHER AT-" Duron screamed but was cut off

" De!" We turned to see Ashton walking towards us. Before leaving the receptionist, Duron knocked some stuff down as he mugged her. " Stupid bitch." He mumble. " Come on.... don't give these people a reason to call the laws on us." I yanked Him to follow.

What the fuck happen bruh?" Richard asked as we got closer. " We were at the old elementary school in the park area with Josh and Aliyah. Miles and his crew came out of nowhere bruh....Miles ass drove into the field and.....I....I watched them gun them down......they just kept shooting and just didn't care who they hit." He whispered as tears ran down his face. " How bad is it?" Duron asked.

Ashton looked back nodding his head towards the lobby area. We looked past him to see Josh sitting there in the corner covered in dry blood as he stared at nothing. " When....they both stop breathing....Josh just held on to both of took me and the medics to pull him off.....they didn't even try to revive them....there was no use." He continued he said rubbing his hands against his jeans. I noticed he had blood on his hands.

Desmond was brother was dead and an innocent girl's life was taken. I felt my chest tightened up and tried not letting the tears come to the surface. " I can't do this shit." Duron walked off towards the exit. Who could blame him?......he and Desmond's bond was closer than anybody since they grew up in a group home together.

" I'm call Everett...have his people get the funeral arrangements set up." Richard sighs wiping tears from his face. " I already did, they on the way now to collect Desmond's body." Ashton stated.

"Then why we still here?.....let go get them niggas." I say ready to get our lick back.

"Oh trust, they gone feel us. But I can't leave yet..... I'm staying with Josh to make sure Aliyah gets back to her uncle." He replied. We nodded our heads silently agreeing to stay too. This was so fucked up. I knew eventually one of us would get caught lacking, but Aliyah........she didn't deserve this. Only knowing her for a couple days, I Instantly grew a liking to her, so down to earth and sweet .....reminding me of my Melanie. Knowing she was gone was doing something to me.

" Hi, I'm Ali Jones...I gotta call about my niece Aliyah." A voice said I looked up to see a white man at the receptionist area. " Yo that him?" I asked. Ashton looked up nodding his head. " Yeah I think so.....I saw him drop her off at school a couple of times " He sighed as he got up walking towards the man as we followed behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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