Sleep tight.

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Rye's POV:
I really want to know what's going on with Andy. We have never wanted to be so close before.
Rye: Hey andy...
Andy: can we not talk about it.
Rye: okay.
Is he okay. I hope so. We get to the room and it was awkward the whole way up there. I open the door and we see the double bed.
Andy: I'll grab the extra pillows and make a wall.
Rye: okay I'll help you out.
Andy: thanks.
Andy's POV:
I've just realised that I've made such a big mistake. I'm so clingy when I sleep. I'm always cuddling my pillow. But since we have used all the pillows...I'm screwed.
We've have finished placing the wall in the bed and I'm already hoping that I don't go to cuddle the pillow wall....
Rye: Hey so should we keep our clothes on then.
Andy: I mean wasn't that implied.
Rye: yeah okay. Well goodnight.
Andy: Goodnight.
1:46 am
Rye's POV:
That's weird. I can feel like...legs and an arm around me. MaYbE tHiS rOoM iS HaUnTeD! No I'm joking. Who actually is this. OMG IS THIS CLAIRE! Noooo it can't be! Wait. Hang on. I would recognise this hand anywhere...
Rye: Andy?
Andy: mmmm sshhh
Rye: Andy your literally on me
Andy: Rye sleep
Rye: I'll move you then.
Andy: just sleep. Don't move me. Your warm.
Rye: fine...sleep tight.
7:27 am
Andy's POV:
Oh god. I can already tell I'm not in the same position. And I can feel hot air on my neck too. Nononono please say I didn't cuddle him.....and there is his face. I knew that was going to happen. You know what I'm just gonna leave and get in the shower. I can't believe I did that. I shouldn't have gotten so jealous! Why did I get jealous? It's not like me to do that. Please say I'm not feeling anything for him.

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