Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Warhammer 40k Games Workshop does all I own is my OC.

Primordia was not a unified world. Each City was its own nation. As such, each looked out for its own interests. Alliances between City-States may form from time to time, only to swiftly break down the moment it suited one or the other. City betraying City were common occurrences, as were the small wars that broke out between individual States. The ones who suffered the most during these events were always the people of the smaller settlements, which were unable to field their own armies, and were forced to protect themselves by allying themselves with an City-State, which would cost them precious resources and manpower, and if the Faction they were allied to lost, the consequences were far more horrific.

As with all things to do with war on Primordia, the mercenaries were the ones to profit the most. As such, it suited them to keep Primordia in a constant state of conflict. Many of them were involved in the political intrigue to engineer or maintain war.

Such was the way of Primordia.

Until the rise of the Primordia Guard the Tempest Prime Militray Force led personally by Silver Nightshade prince of Tempest Prime.

Whenever a war would break out between City-States, they would send their Guard Units to the settlements that would be drawn into the conflict and protect them. Out of gratitude, the people of the settlements would willingly provide food supplies and fresh recruits to the reluncant Primordia Guard, greatly strengthening them and bolstering their numbers.

Tempest Prime herself is home to one of the biggest Manufactorums on Primordia and is constantly at War with other City-States who want to factory for themselves.

Given the widespread location of the settlements on Primordia and there closeness to Tempest Prime, the Primordia Guard could only protect a limited amount of settlements and they were not always successful. But stories of their efforts were widespread, and won them support and numbers until their sphere of influence and control came to encompass the south-eastern region of the planet.

Under their guidance, the settlements improved their defences and the skill of their guards, until they could even hold the Mercenaries of the other Nations.

Uneasy at this development, a number of the larger City-States had banded together to end this threat; and under the combined efforts of the alliance, several of the settlements furthest away from the Guard had fallen, and its people massacred.

In response the Primordia Guard had mustered their forces and met the invaders. With there Prince at their head, the invaders were soundly beaten back. After they were beaten back King Noah of Tempest Prime promised his people and the People of Prmiodia that the age of greed and Tryanny will come to an end under him and his Guard.

Threatened by this, more City-States had joined in the effort to annihilate the Primordia Guard, but always, they were beaten back.

As the leader of the Guard, Silver had been hailed as its immortal hero, and rightly so. His prowess in battle, his leadership and his charisma had inspired countless others to join the cause of the Guard.

The ancient radio communication, always made difficult by the Eternal Night, had been drastically improved due to innovations by Silver. Trade was more faster and more efficient thanks to Silver's improvements on the design of the aircrafts. Weaponry, tactics and even the agriculture, all were greatly improved to the efforts of Silver.

During these times Silver got the nickname that will stay with him for the rest of his life. The Eternal One.

Yet despite the advancements made, the Primordia Guard have been on the defensive in battle, advancing very little beyond their borders. It was because they still did not have the numbers needed to go on the offensive without leaving their lands vulnerable. They were building their numbers.

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