Chapter 6 - You Will Never be King!

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hey ya'll?!? so i'm not even gonna introduce myself, cause you should know by now who I am by now.

So anyway, todays story not boring in a way. There's some drama. But the beginnings boring but not boring, so let's just get on with the story.


Mary: HENRY! How dare you!?! He's your son! You can't treat him like that, he is the future king of Scotland.

Henry: What are you talking bout, Mary? I have done NOTHING! You have no right to come in here and accuse me of something, I CLEARLY don't have an clue what your talking bout!

Mary: So, you didn't just yell at Liam? And threaten to take away his claim to the throne. I DON'T CARE IF YOUR THE KING OR NOT! you will not talk to MY son like ever again!

Henry: Who do you think you are?! I am YOUR king, and I don't your help on how to raise MY son! And wasn't it you who was against Liam becoming king, because you didn't like his sexuality?

Mary: Henry, he's your son. why are you acting like this?! is something wrong?


Mary: What is WRONG with you?! Why are you acting like this?

Henry: What is wrong with me? Well I married you! This marriage was a mistake. Honestly, I regret marrying you! Since we're on the topic of honestly... the only reason I married you was because Scotland needed the alliance with France so we could overpower the English. I never loved you! Now... GET OUT!


"I heard my parents fighting, then I heard my mum coming to my room. And i knew it would be a, 'oh, Liam it's gonna be ok!' I hate it when she does that."

Mary: Liam, you in here? We need to talk bout your father.

Liam: What's there to talk bout? he CLEARLY doesn't want me to become king, he's treating me like a kid, who needs 24-hour protection. I've been locked in this bloody castle my whole life. I was never allowed to go out and see, or talk to people, I NEVER had a normal childhood, he was never around, he treated me like shit my whole life, I feel like he wants NOTHING to do with me! I don't even wanna be a prince anymore, and now I can't see Niall anymore!

Mary: oh Liam, your father loves you know that. Of course, he wants you to be king he just.... he's just under a lot of stress right now. Give him time. And who says you can't see Niall anymore?

Liam: Father, Because of the 'little stunt' I pulled. And now I'm grounded and have to work with Zayn in the stables tomorrow. And I promised Niall I'd help him with his room. He even called me a-a horny bitch. Can't you see? He doesn't love me, and he never will. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!

Mary: Oh Liam, it's gonna be ok.

"And there it is. I can't stand it when she says that. It drives me crazy. Cause half the time, it's not ok."

Liam: you know, just because you say, 'It's gonna be ok.' doesn't make it better. I can't see him anymore... i-it hurt so much. Mother I don't know what to do. I love Niall, so much.

Mary: Oh honey, your father can't stop you from seeing him. If you love him, as you claim to... then your father has no say in the matter.

Liam: Wh-what are you saying?

Mary: What I'm saying is, you need to start making decisions by yourself. your father can't make them for you. I mean for god sake your 18.

Liam: I'm, um, going to see dad. I'll be back.

Mary: Ok dear. Remember, I love you. I always will.

Liam: I love you too, mother.

"I was a bit scared to go talk to my father, when he's in a pissed off mood, cause there's no reasoning with him."


Henry: Liam? What are you doing here? I thought I made it clear that I wanted you to stay in your chambers.

Liam: Father, with all due respect, I'm 18 and I don't need you controlling my life anymore.

Henry: Excuse me? You better watch your tone with me, young man! As long as you live under MY roof, you'll obey MY rules.

Liam: Father, you're being ridiculous! Wh-

Henry: -Don't you EVER interrupt me, again! Niall is to be out of my house by the end of this week!

"Why he was acting like this, I didn't know. Was he ok? He'd never say anything bout Niall, my father knows how much he means to me."

Liam: where will he go? He has no home!

Henry: He did have a home, no thanks to you. In fact, you actually had respect and dignity before you met that, outcast!

Liam: Thanks to me, he's out of that abusive home! Thanks to me, he's finally he knows what love is! You can't blame him for something his parents failed to teach him.

Henry: You can't keep defending the boy! He is banned from this castle!

"What he is wrong with him? My father has officially gone crazy!"

Liam: Father...You've always supported my decisions. Why's different bout Niall? Hell, you don't even know the lad! He's just a boy!

Henry: Know him? I don't have to know him! Harry? Please take the Prince out of my sight, before I lose it.

Liam: Lose it?! You've already lost it! You're insane! You just don't want to see me happy!

Harry: Ok let's go, Liam. I think it's for the best if you just let your father be.

Liam: Fine! Whatever, I'm going to see, my boyfriend!

Henry: I swear, if he's not out by this weekend... he will be removed by force!

Liam: Why are you doing this?! What have I done for you to hate so much?

Henry: You were born! My life was perfect, till you were came along. And you will never be king. Not while I'm in charge!

Liam: Father, my coronation is in 2 months! You can't just take my claim away. In 2 months your crown will be mine!

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Author's Note

Hey guys, what's up man! I told you... drama lama would happen. King Henry has officially gone crazy. But it's fine. It's all part of my plan. As always,

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Love, Noah ❤️

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