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Art was done by me and belongs to me. The characters depicted in said art belong to Vivziepop. Onto the story.

Angel sat front of his vanity back stage, clad in a long form fitting wine red evening gown with black opera gloves on each hand and smokey eyed makeup accompanied with a dark sangria lipstick. The Green Room was buzzing with excitement, various performers dashing in and out to grab Costumes, make up, hair products, ect. The room was unpleasantly warm due to the bright vanity lights, flat irons, and the other demons body heat. Music played above their heads, a constant reminder of who was performing and who was next.

Angel applied the last bit of his make up and fixed up his wig before turning to the demon next to him and fixing their eyeliner. Suddenly, the door to the Green Room swung open to reveal a short thin demon in a skimpy but simple waitress outfit; in her hands where two trays filled with drinks.

"Drink break bitches!" She anounced. The various performers sprung up from their places and swarmed the smaller girl, who was far too used to the assault to care. Angel walked up to her and grabbed his virgin Sex on The Beach. The small demon gave him a once over and reminded him that he was on in five minutes. Angel downed his drink and stauntered out to the stage, the curtains were closing on the previous act and the performers came scurrying back.

"Good luck" she encouraged as she passed him. A self assured smile formed on Angel's lips and he scoffed playfully at her words.

"As if I need luck." He boasted, walking out onto the dark stage and getting into his place atop the grand piano, microphone in hand. The curtains rose and a flattering pink spotlight shined down on him. On cue the band started to play and Angel went to work.

Ooh, ooh, ooh

A guy what takes his time, I'll go for any time
I'm a fast movin' gal who likes them slow
Got no use for fancy driving, wanna to see a guy arriving in low
I'd be satisfied, electrified to know a guy what takes his time

Angel teased the piano player with a  gentle brush of his gloved hand to his cheek. Another one of his hands reached down and opened a bottle of champagne that was placed between the pianists legs. The cork came out with a comical pop and Angel glanced up at the crowd playfully as he poured the alcohol into a glass. He wasn't going to drink it sadly, it was only a prop.

A hurry-up affair, I always give the air
Wouldn't give any rushing gent a smile
I would go for any single who would condescend to linger awhile
What a lullaby would be supplied to have a guy who takes his time, ooh

The pianists leaned into the spider demons touch but Angel pushed his head away in mock rejection and slid off the piano, his heels clicking on the hardwood of the stage. Angel blew a kiss out to the audience and ran a hand down his body slowly.

A guy what takes his time, I'd go for any time
A hasty job really spoils a master's touch
I don't like a big commotion, I'm a demon for slow motion or such
Why should I deny that I would die to know a guy who takes his time

Angel continued to tease various members of the band, it was his favorite part of this act.

There isn't any fun in getting something done
If you're rushed when you have to make the grade
I can spot an amateur, appreciate a connoisseur in trade
Who would qualify, no alibi, to be the guy who takes his time

Ooh, ooh

With that final note the music came to a stop and the audience erupted into applause. Angel grinned, a white spotlight shined down on him as he did his bows and the curtains began to close. Angel rushed back to the green room to clean up, only to be assaulted by a fairly large amount of his fellow performers complimenting him on his preformance. Angel thanked them and sat back down at his vanity and continued to assist his coworkers in getting ready and out on stage.


The night was coming to an end for Angel. Still clad in his drag outfit the spider grabbed his purse and bid his colleges good night, wishing them good luck on the rest of their preformances. Angel walked out of the Green Room and toward the back exit only to be stopped in his tracks upon seeing a familiar figure clad in red. Angel smiled and walked up to the other demon.

Alastor turned and grinned at Angel. Tucked in the lapel of his suit was a Lycoris Radita more commonly known as a Spider Lily. Angel chuckled at the sight. Alastor felt pride knowing Angel had found his little joke amusing.

"I must say Angel, my dear your preformance was absolutely splendid! As usual." Alastor exclaimed. Angel blushed, he was absolutely delighted upon reciving the complement, he attemted to shrug it off nonchalantly but ultimately failed for Alastor saw right through his little charade.

"Come now Angel let's get you back to the hotel, you must be exhausted" Alastor declared offering his arm to Angel. Behind them Angels coworkers watched the embarrassing display from the Green Room. Out of excitement, one particularly outsoken kitsune exclaimed.

"Yes, honey! Get! That! Dick! And! Go!"


A/n: I speak from personal experience, the feeling of being back stage and in the Green Room is one of the most stessfull, hectic, and euphoric feelings out there.
This isn't my best chapter but I had to get the idea out, hope y'all liked it.

This chapter is dedicated to Kwaii_Chan who just updated their own story and made me realize I need to get it together.

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