FOUR: Celebrate

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Happy International Women's Day <3

"Good evening, Mrs. Granucci." The doorman greeted me as I walked up to the front doors of our New York estate. I handed him my coat and gave him a small smile in response, not quite sure what his name was. The Help, as my husband referred to them, didn't tend to last very long. Enzo had developed an extreme case of paranoia over the years. The moment he suspected anyone of any kind of betrayal... well let's just put it this way, those accused didn't usually make it out to tell their story.

"Evelyn!" He shouted.

"Yes?" I called back, trying to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. Enzo worked late on Thursdays which was the sole reason behind why I was allowed to go out.

My life, you see, had become extremely predictable. Nothing happened between Monday and Wednesday. I was required to stay home while Enzo worked. Thursday, however, I was free to do as I pleased... well, as long as he approved. The day plans tended to vary, but every single evening at exactly eight o'clock pm, I would go to the Five Star Hotel and sit at the bar where I was able to talk to my one and only friend, Eric.

As for the weekend, we went to fancy dinner parties or attended the most prestigious events and restaurants in New York City. Enzo was a well known man. He wasn't loved, but people knew who he was, meaning that we could go wherever and do whatever we pleased.

He wasn't exactly keen on granting me that one day off. It was all part of a compromise. If it will get you to stop throwing these tantrums, fine! Take the damn day off. Just don't make me regret it, Evelyn.

I tried to rid myself of the guilt that hammered through my chest and slowly made my way to his office which was where the voice had come from.

The doors were wide opened, giving me a clear view of the man who sat behind the big mahogany desk. I began to walk toward the leather seats in front of it but he then said, "Come here, bellissima." Enzo patted the wood, gesturing for me to take a seat on it.

I followed his order without question and decided to ask him about his night before he had a chance to ask me about mine. Enzo could easily talk about himself for hours on end. "You look happy." I observed, carefully avoiding the question, Why are you home so early?

I made that mistake before. Enzo would have suspected me of having plans that he wasn't aware of. Then he would accuse me of doing something I wasn't supposed to because, Why else would it bother you that I came home early?

Then I would say that it didn't bother me. I didn't have plans, I was just curious.

And in return he would tell me that curiosity is a dangerous thing.

I would ask why, just to entertain him, but also in an effort to steer the subject away from the bad thing he suspected me of doing.

Curiosity brings you nothing but trouble, Evelyn. It causes you to do things that you wouldn't normally do, things that–

I would tune him out then, knowing perfectly well why he wanted me to avoid curiosity.

Curiosity leads to exploration. He didn't want me to explore anything that might jeopardize what we had. He wanted me to stand beside him through thick and thin. To be absolutely infatuated by him and his world and nothing else.

Although he never got angry with me, I preferred to avoid the lecture.

Enzo didn't deal with his wife in the same way he dealt with the others. Perhaps that was because I hadn't betrayed him. Our quarrels ended in a speech or a guilt trip.

But entertaining Lucas... it was unladylike. It would have embarrassed him. It would have made me a whore.

"Celebrate with me!" Enzo exclaimed, gently pushing my leg over. He reached inside one of the drawers and pulled out two glasses that went with the bottle of chilled champagne sitting on the corner of his desk.

"Ahh!" I shrieked as he popped off the cap, shooting the bubbly liquid all over the both of us.

"What's the good news?" I asked, clinking my glass with his before taking a sip.

"I just got my hands on a very big deal, amore. A very important deal that will only add to our power and shape the way others see us. Look here." Enzo pulled out a piece of paper and pointed to the numbers down at the bottom. The majority of it was in Italian which I couldn't read, but numbers were numbers.

"So many zeros." I marveled, toying with his thick hair.

"Si!" Enzo tucked it back into the drawer and then placed both of his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"So what is it, what kind of deal, with who?" I was scared of the answers.

"Ah, principessa you've always been so curious." He slowly unzipped the zipper on my dress.

I was curious about him so it was allowed.

"And you're always so secretive. Don't you trust me?" I pulled on his tie, bringing his face closer to mine.

"Trust is not the issue here. I'm just always afraid I'll scare you away."

"Impossible, baby." I mumbled against his lips.

Impossible because I had signed a contract, legally binding me to him. I wouldn't have to worry about lawyers or court, I would have to worry about angry men chasing me into a river with buckets of cement in their hands.

"A deal that I stole away from Alberto." Enzo undid his belt.

"Alberto Santoro?" I pushed off his jacket and began to unbutton the buttons on his shirt, while my mind was spinning with questions.

Did that mean war? He hated the Santoros and they hated us.

"I'll bore you with the details later, Evelyn. I have other plans for us right now." There was a wicked glint in his dark eyes.

"Okay." I giggled as he grabbed my thighs and pulled me to him.

"Samuel! Close the doors!" Enzo commanded, not moving his eyes off of me.


I must admit, I did, in a way, get lucky with Enzo. He was a very attractive man. He was tall with muscles on every inch of him. He had deep brown eyes, and a beard that wasn't too long, but long enough that it scratched my milky skin when he kissed me. And not to mention the accent that still put butterflies in my stomach.

He had a ton of scars but they added character. There was an insanely interesting but terrifying story behind each of them.

Aside from the good looks, he also loved me. He truly loved me. I believe when we began it was very superficial. We hardly knew each other. He thought I was beautiful, he thought I would make a perfect golden girl, a nice piece of arm candy, and because of that he made me his wife.

But as time went on we really began to form a connection. Not that I ever told him this, but I was sure Enzo's love for me ran deeper than mine for him. I was his prized possession and everyone knew it.

With that being said, there were plenty of people who desperately wanted to get their hands on me. Hold me for ransom, use me to destroy his empire. That's what made Enzo so over protective of me, that's why I couldn't do anything without his permission.

I didn't necessarily accept it, but I understood.

In another world I could see myself truly falling in love with him, but in our reality, there was always a part of me that was hesitant, a part of me that wouldn't allow myself to fully return the love he had for me.

I never even considered another man in the five years I was married to Enzo... well until that night.

I had told Lucas that breaking the rules was thrilling, I didn't think I meant it but apparently I did. Perhaps it was the danger or maybe the sense of freedom that coursed through me while I was around him. Either way, the shy, blue eyed stranger undeniably consumed every inch of my thoughts.

I hate that last sentence so much.

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