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Sorry I'm late. I completely lost track of what day it is. 

I start school in about a week and I am TERRIFIED. Pray for me.

Also, I keep reading all these stupid articles and posts about getting a book published and it just makes me feel like it will NEVER happen :(

This chapter... ugh it just breaks my heart. Idk why I keep putting my characters through so much sh*t.

I really TRIED to censor out all of the bad words, but I'm tired and I'll probably just end up watching Gilmore Girls for the fifth time. It's my therapy.

The party ended sooner than it was supposed to thanks to Dante.

I was still standing behind that stupid plant as paramedics rushed into the room with a stretcher. I thought about waiting to see whether or not they rolled Silvio out in a white bag, but I decided against it. Instead, I walked straight into the bathroom.

"What did you do?" I asked, my voice weak.

His back was to me so I couldn't see his face, but I did catch a glimpse of the pink water that flooded the ivory sink.

"I don't know." He answered honestly.

"You have to know."

"I snapped." Dante finally turned around to face me. "I lost it, Evelyn." He ran his wet hands through his hair.

"You didn't," I couldn't get myself to say the words. "You didn't-"

"Kill him?" Dante let out a breathy laugh.

I nodded my head silently in response.

"I'm bigger than that, Granucci." He walked right passed me and into the madness.

I didn't move from where I was standing. It wasn't until Lucas found me almost twenty minutes later did I remove my eyes from the sink.

"What's happening?" He asked, relieved to see me. "Dante grabbed Skyla and left."

"There's been an accident."


"There's been an accident." I repeated. I couldn't form a clear thought, never mind an explanation for what happened to Silvio.

Lucas must have either heard the defeat in my voice or saw the empty look in my eyes because he didn't dare say another word. Instead, he walked me to my room in absolute silence. I gave him a small, unconvincing smile before I closed the door, isolating myself from the rest of the world.

I didn't sleep at all that night.

I laid on the bed and closed my eyes, thinking about everything that had happened. Wondering whether or not I should just give up. What was the point in trying to stop the inevitable? What made me think that I could do it?

Morning came before I was able to come up with any answers. I was fully dressed, my make-up and heels still on from the night before when someone knocked on my door.

"It's opened." I called, not opening my eyes.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving." Dante said softly.

"What?" I bolted upright, ignoring the wave of dizziness that coursed through me.

"I'm going home." He sat on the corner of my bed, rubbing his eyes with his clean hands.

"Oh." I didn't know what else to say. I was happy. I was happy that he was going home with his family, but at the same time I couldn't shake the thought that as soon as he stepped on that plane I was going to be alone... again.

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