The King and his Kingdom

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Everyone knows the tales of King Adam Skearo. Everyone knows how he led his army—the Sky Army; an arm full of brave and courageous souls who fought for liberty—against the army of the famed and so-called Squid King. He freed the land, and was given the crown to rule in the former King's steady.

To bad those tales aren't actually true.

King Adam Skearo is a tyrant. He's greedy, spiteful, and all around violent. Still, he's not as bad as half of his generals—his "friends". No; he isn't at all like the stories paint him to be. Skearo led a bloody uprising the resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent citizens who found themselves caught in the cross-fire. He took the crown by force.

And now it's time to take it back.




Hey guys! So I'm kind of back.
I really started getting back into Minecraft recently - YouTubers included - and it gave me new ideas for this book.
I just ask that you keep in mind that the personalities for the older YouTubers in this book are fictitious, while the younger are based on the personas they display in videos.
Any shipping in my stories revolves around the personas and not the real people behind the screen.
Anyway, I do hope you all will enjoy this. I'm excited to see how it turns out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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