~~ And So It Begins ~~

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Mrs Worcester must have had other ideas, L found when she reached the bathroom. She had run L a bath, and it smelled like tropical fruits. There were bubbles and everything, the fresh pair of clothes sat on a chair by the bath. L had to physically pinch herself to check she wasn't dreaming. It was quite girly but this time she didn't mind it and was actually looking forward to it.

She didn't get treated badly by the Smiths, but there weren't any luxuries like this either. Everything was usually basic unless they had someone to impress. L took her time getting washed in this bath. It was heavenly, and she didn't want to get out even for the food she knew was waiting downstairs. She finally pulled herself out after an hour when Mrs Worcester came to knock on the door.

L quickly got dressed into the jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. They were a little big, just the way L liked her clothes, and they also smelled of flowers. L looked over at herself in the mirror above the sink. She felt deeply relaxed for once and in this house that didn't feel like such a bad thing. Everywhere else, she had to have her guard up all the time. However, the armour she wore around everyone else was unnecessary while she was with the Worcesters.

L combed her hair and let it fall however it wanted, leaving it to air dry. She grabbed her letter from her other pocket, and slid it into the jeans she was wearing, and then headed downstairs. Robbie and his dad were helping to set the last plates on the table while Mrs Worcester was sitting down. They looked around when L walked in and gave her a smile while Mrs Worcester gestured to the chair beside hers.

L couldn't remember a time in her life that she'd ever been so full. The food had been better than she'd imagined. The tastes were incredible, and Mrs Worcester kept giving her more helpings. L felt like her stomach was going to burst with each step she took down the ginnel.

In one hand, she had cookies wrapped in foil that Mrs Worcester had forced her to take. She also carried a bag of her clothes which had been washed and dried. She didn't know how Mrs Worcester managed it all, L could barely wash dishes, never mind do five chores at once.

She was lost in these thoughts while she walked along the empty streets, and even though it was dark, it wasn't actually late. She knew these people were home extra early on a Sunday, so there should be nobody around. But L was starting to get the distinct feeling that someone was watching her. She held onto her things and kept alert as she walked towards the Smith's house.

The sleepiness she'd felt after all of that food was gone, and she checked every street she passed; as though someone might be waiting for her down one of them. She wasn't the kind of person to get paranoid, but she trusted her instincts and they were telling that something wasn't right.

Nothing strange happened until she reached the right street and saw that someone was standing outside of the house. The front door was closed, so it wasn't a visitor, and nobody ever hung out on this street, so why were they standing there? If somebody was loitering outside of her house, Eileen would be the first one to question them, but she wasn't even fretting by the window.

L decided she couldn't just wait for whoever it was to leave and started walking. She readied herself for some kind of conversation or confrontation. If it was one of Zoe's gang trying to ambush her, then she'd be ready to show them the sole of her shoe. If it was a new bizarre tactic of Eileen's to get her measured for the dress, then L would be breaking something other than pencils that night.

As L neared the gate, she accidentally kicked a loose piece of gravel from the neighbours driveway, and the stranger looked around. L could see now that it was a man. He looked maybe a few years older than her. He was wearing a dark jacket and jeans and a beanie hat, as well as a strange expression. He didn't look familiar, though, so what was his reason for being there?

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