Chapter One

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I woke up at 6:32 a.m. I couldn't sleep anymore so I sat up. I pulled open my bedroom curtain. I heard a knock. Mrs. Elliot, the housekeeper  came into my room. "Good Morning, Anna dear. Did I wake you?"  "No Mrs. Elliot."  "I left my paintbrush here," I looked confused, "The other day when I painted your portrait Miss."  Worst portrait ever.

"Oh, it's by the window."  She picked it up, thanked me and left. Another boring day. I got up and put on my bunny slippers. I went to the garden and sat on a chair. I felt weak and light-headed. I needed a lot food. Alford, the gardener walks over. "Good morning Miss." I nod in response. 

The help is so agitating. I walked down to the  living room to watch some TV. After half an hour I settle on some British movie called Ma'am is a Sir?

Some movie about the sister of the queen being found out to be a shemale a day before she's to be married to a duke.

"Top of the morning Miss. Your breakfast is ready," said our cook Madeline with a curtsey. I sighed as she brought my food. I ate seven waffles heavily drenched in syrup, bacon and apple juice. Once I wasn't hungry anymore my mind went blank.

Mrs. Elliot walked in. "Miss, your mother wishes to see you." I hobbled over to my mom's room. It is on the other side of the house. I sat by her bed side. "You called?" She sat up. "Good morning to you too dear."

"Sorry... I just, sorry."

"It's alright. There's no need for anyone  to apologize except for me. Well dear, I can't be around for the weekend."

My face drooped. What? "I am really sorry dear."

"’S okay."  "So you will have to interview the two women up for the job. Can you do it?"

And now ladies and gentlemen, the mother I've grown to  know and hate.

"It's alright mom. I'll do it."

With that I left. I went to my room to have some me time and shower. I soaped my body up, rinsed  and then stood in front of my shower-mirror to note my flaws.

My boobs were kinda okay just not big. I had a birthmark on my belly. I had a non-existent ass and an awkward shape in general. I don't feel pretty. I feel as ugly as I am. No one will ever want to be with me. I sat up and cried.  

After some time I got out of the bathroom. I put on a nice sundress, a blue jacket and brown sandals. I caught a glimpse of my mom's car exiting the driveway. "I don't even get a goodbye or I love you."  I decide to change into a one-piece black and red swimsuit. I went to the backyard and sit by the pool in a lounge chair. I stare up at the sky. It's so cool today, the sun was almost non-existent. I laid down enjoying the breeze and calmness to see someone at my side. "Yes?" I asked, my voice full of annoyance. Didn't anyone in this world understand my me time? Mrs. Elliot spoke, "They're two ladies here to see you Miss."

I put on my silk  robe from China that was by the chair and went to the house to see who's bugging me.

As we entered I sew two other women in the house. One's a bit fat and curvy. The other is as flat as a board. "Yes. Who are you?"

The fat one spoke. "Good afternoon Miss. We were sent by Lady Barbara to apply for the post of a maid."

She seemed nice. "Okay then. Come with me, both of you." I took them to the study. I sent the lean one in first.   

"Name?"  "Vivian Vermont."

"Age?" "30."

"Hobbies?" She paused and swallowed.

"I do not have any."

No hobbies? You ain't serious.


I finally finished with Vivian and boy was  she a handful.  The fat one came in and sat. I envied her curves. She wasn't physically   awkward. Then I realised I'd been staring at her for like five minutes. Who does that?

"Sorry about that." I turned four shades of red.

"It's alright. I honestly don't mind."

She doesn't? Well then, maybe I could even ask her how big her... ? No!

"So, um, you're name?"

"Alicia. Alicia Carrie but I prefer Alice. "


"Oh.. Um... I'm 39."

39? My own mother turned 40 this year. Now I don't want to know her cup size anymore. It's like looking at my mom's boobs. OMG, for a woman of thirty-nine she's got a huge bust. My face flushed bright red and I threw a weird coughing fit.

"Miss. Are you alright?"

" I  mean yes not no. I don't know."

Awesome. Now she'll think I'm a total freakshow.  She seemed to be examining me, looking at me as if to say, I don't think you're  that weird.

"Let me get you some water."

"No, you don't have to do that. Just sit down. I'm fine."

She sat unsure if I was lying or not. I couldn't blame her though. I'm sure I looked like the craziest person she's seen.


After half an hour, the interview was over. The ladies were nice enough, but there was something about Alice. Like I needed to please her but I didn't want to . And that's why I did what I didn't want to do. I gave her the job.

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