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Cory's P.O.V

"She looked like she was smuggling an entire box of Cookie Crisps back there!!!"

                 The hotel room erupted in manly laughter, a few slapped legs and a choked up guy who drank to much alcohol a few hours before. To make the costs a little easier, Brandon and I decided to just share a hotel room when we got to LA, and just invite some of our boys over after the party for a good time. 

Needless to say, that idea had flown out the window. 

                 I was lying in bed, scrolling through instagram and trying my best to ignore the loud laughter of 5 other people, when I was knocked in the head by what I assumed was a pillow. "What the freak?" I held the pillow up and looked at them. Brandon and Charlie held up innocent hands, while Poiised sat snickering in a corner and throwing dirty but amused looks at Jay. 
                 I sighed; I didn't really care. I threw the pillow onto the other bed and rolled over to face the wall. "Cut it out, guys. For real." 
                Even though my back were facing them, I could almost feel the looks of concern that stuck daggers in my back. I knew they would think it was them, but it wasn't. They were being really good friends to me, and it really did look like Liza Koshy had gotten a little thicker over the years. No, it wasn't them at all.

It was her.

                  The very thought of the interaction with Raegan made my heart leap and my blood boil all at once, which, if I had to be honest, made no sense. Was she a 9 or above? Definitely. Did I like her a little? Maybe. Did her tone not sit right with me tonight? For sure. 
                   I typed in her name one more time into Instagram, shaking off the 'You're a creep' feeling that came with stalking a girl's instagram page. The page came up as 'Instant_Raeplay,' just like it did 5 minutes ago. Clicking onto the 'Messages' button and feeling like even more of an idiot as I stared at my desperate attempt.

"Hey Raegan, it's Cory, from the party? Just wanted to apologize about tonight, I mighta been outta pocket. I would have texted you personally, but I don't have your number. Anyway, I'm sorry."

                     I sighed again, more at my stupidity then at the fact that she had read it almost as soon as I sent it, and decided on closing out Instagram for the millionth time and plugging my phone into the charger. 

"Dude, I hate to ask, but are you good?"

                    Rolling over, I smiled internally; my friends really were predictable. "Yeah, just troubles, my guy, just troubles." I smiled. Jay didn't seemed satisfied with that answer, and decided to pick up another pillow and throw it at me. Luckily, I blocked it with my arm and caught it, throwing it right back. This time, he wasn't as fast as me, and ended up getting caught right in the jaw. "Get wit' it, young boi!" and the room filled with laughter again. 
                    Jay rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever." and he laughed.
                    "Yo, how about we go out and get some food man, ya boy is ready for a cheeseburger." Poiised stood up quickly, fishing in his pocket for what I assumed were his keys. I shrugged and nodded at Brandon to make sure he was down, and proceeded to get dressed. I heard my phone buzz, letting me know I'd gotten a text, but I ignored it; after all, I'm going out with the squad. 

Even if i still was a little upset over her.


Raegan's P.O.V.

"No, you don't have my number. But don't worry, someone gave me your's. No worries, apology accepted :) "

                       I clicked send without giving myself room for hesitation.
                       I'd been thinking about the whole thing that went down with Cory at the party, and after realizing that I should have not gotten so upset over something so stupid, I immediately felt bad and asked left and right for a way to contact him, finally getting his number and giving up any attempt at refusal when a few girls that I'd met during the night asked if I wanted fast food before the night was over.
                       By the time that I'd picked my Quarter Pounder, my fries were cold, and I'd checked my phone at least 10 times, not really sure if I wanted a text back or not. 

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