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I was woken up at o dark thirty in the morning.


“urghhh” I groaned rolling onto my other side. Several minutes later i gained the courage to leave the warmth of my bed, on to the cold concrete floor of my bedroom. I walked over to my dresser and mirror. I had bags under my eyes, and my hair was sticking straight up.


I turned on the straightener. As i was waiting for that to heat up, i pulled out my eyeliner and started on my makeup. I don't have that bad of skin, so i only wear eyeliner and mascara, because my eyelashes are practically invisible without it. The straightener beeped, telling me it was ready. I started to straighten my purple hair.


After i was done with that, i walked over to my closet. I looked at my t shirts.


Band shirt, or Graphic tee?


I wondered. I finally settled on a Sleeping with Sirens T Shirt. I walked back to my dresser and grabbed a pair of black skinnies.


After i threw on my clothes, i grabbed my backpack and wandered into the kitchen to find my Mom. She was just making her coffee as i walked in.


“Im driving you to school, is that ok?” She asked. I nodded, not feeling like talking. How would you feel if your worst nightmare came true? I have to be in a school full of disgusting teenagers.


“Ok, we leave in five" she said. I walked back into my room, I almost forgot my emergency bag. Its got:

hand sanitizer ( three different ones, just in case)

Anti bacterial wipes


Anxiety pills



I grabbed the small black bag that was in, and ran out to meet my mom




“Love you, You'll be fine” My mom said as she pulled out and left. I was standing on the sidewalk looking around. There were groups of people everywhere. There were people walking bye me, i jumped out of the way just in time to not get hit by someone's shoulder. The guy turned around. He looked me up and down.


“Freak.” he said before turning back around and leaving with his buddies. I walked to what i thought was the front doors ( luckily it was) and found the office.


“Hi… I'm new.” i said to the lady.


“What's your name sweetie?” she asked


“December Belks” I said shortly. i don't know this lady and i just gave her my name. wow.


“Heres your schedule, and ill have someone show you around.” she said before calling over a girl.


"Hi! My name is Zodiac. Were going to be best friends! Oh! We have a bunch of our classes together!" She is a ball of energy isn't she.

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