On the Road

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"Vince, have you ever thought that maybe when we sleep and dream of something, those dreams are actually us?"

That's JJ, my companion, and classmate. We are currently studying at Sakura High University, the story behind how we met is actually complicated. But I bet she'll bring it up again sooner or later.

We're just walking along the road, it's actually nice and peaceful around here, the trees provide shade from both sides of the road. The cool breeze that once can feel when walking, I've always wanted to cherish every moment when I am walking in here. But...

"What do you mean?" I replied to her while looking confused about what she's pointing out.

"Okay, just hear me out here. Remember what our teacher taught us about 'parallel universes' and quantum physics?" she added to her quite obnoxious statement.

"What if the dreams that we are... well, dreaming, are actually us taking a peek on other versions of ourselves? That explains why we can't interact or move directly on those dreams because we are non-existent to them!" she proudly said to me.

"You brain-dead or something? Then explain the dreams where the characters on my dreams or your 'parallel universes' are actually talking directly to me?" quickly contradicting her statement

"Also explain how there are 'lucid dreams' and 'visions' and so on..?" I added.

"Arghhhh, why do you always fight me over these things?" she grunts as she said those lines.

I know I just destroyed her idea right off the bat once I said those things to her, but her ideas are pretty bright 'though like she is the epitome of modern ideas that can be quickly made into modern solutions. But here I am, the one who questions all her ideas and mindset whether it is plausible or not, honestly, I would like her to fight and defend for herself if only I ca...

"Vince?" she called me, as sweet and soft as tender flowers greeting me on sunrise. Like waking up from a deep slumber.

"Woah! Can you repeat that again!" I quickly grabbed my phone and opened the 'Voice Recorder' app.

"Repeat what you said! Come on!!! I'll make it into my new ringtone!" I jokingly said to her.

She quickly slapped me on my shoulder and shouted... "You idiot!"

"You know that would be much better if you shouted 'Ba~ka!' than 'You idiot!', it's much more appreciable for a person like me." I said

"But in all seriousness Vince, thank you for everything..." I've never seen her being like this! The violent and deadly JJ has quickly turned into a soft and lovable character! Like straight out of an anime that I knew!

"Thank you for being there for me, ever since my dad left me, I've been always battling and struggling to find close friends that will support me in everything. Ever since I was in elementary, I've always been pushed around. Bullied for what I am, because of my looks, my personality. Once I stepped up in high school, I thought of maybe I should be more outgoing and loud. Maybe people will finally accept me for what I am, but..." she stopped talking for a while, she still kept her head up but she kept silent for about 10 seconds, or so I thought.

"...But people hated me more, I've been backed out unto a corner, not knowing what to do. That's when I started to think, then I resorted on the last possible way that I could think of. Upon entering senior high school I've been cold and defensive to everyone I met. I've shut myself to the society basically, that way, no one will ever hurt me again" she explained.

"Idiot." I replied.

"Then those who want to befriend you will feel awkward and pushed away too. Well, that really explains why you are acting like that on the first two weeks. You should consider yourself lucky because everyone finally understood the situation you're in when you have your first breakdown..." I added. Yes, she has been through a lot of problems in life, I may not know how she feels but one thing I knew, she is strong and will never back down. I can see that for myself.

"Arghhhhh, why would you remind me of such a thing?!" she exclaimed while hiding her face with her briefcase. Embarrassed as she may be, her petite body is not a reason for anyone to judge her.

"This is just really the first for me, y'know, having 'real friends', well, ever since that horrible breakdown that I had, I discovered the true meaning of life" she continued.

"Oh wow, well Ms. Philosopher, what is the true meaning of life then? Please enlighten me." I told her while smirking at her.

Then like in movies, or those animes that I've watched, she turned slowly to me. The entire scenery became blurred and my eyes are on her only. She's on focus to be more precise, the birds are singing their tune in the background...

"Life isn't about finding out what it means really..." she said.

"It's about living it to the fullest with the people you cherish the most" she continued.

I became serious for a moment, then turn towards the direction we are walking.

"Am I wrong on that?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Nope, not really." I replied back.

"Really? I'm so glad!" she exclaimed.

"Why is that?" I asked

"Because finally, you, for once, accepted one out of many things that I've said to you. Thank you again!" she smiled as she said those words.

I just want to stop time and be on this exact moment forever.

"Hey, you've been silent for a while now! Is there a matter that's bothering you?" she asked as she let out a little laugh.

She then walked towards the opposite side of the road, we both stopped walking at that moment. Her personality is really messed up, she can be soft and quiet at times but can be abrupt and explosive on the other hand.

"Vince!" she shouted.

"Will you stay by my side 'till the end of times?" she asked.

Yes, this lady... is really surprising at times. That's what I like about her.

"Of course you dummy!" I shouted while smiling back at her.

She smiled back with her eyes closed, and her arms behind her.

She was about to go back...

"The time that moment feels like slowing down, every single second, every single breath, every little sound made. This moment is the exact moment..." I said to myself

She was about to go back...

...when a car dashed through

"... the exact moment that I'm last going to see her."

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