19 | nineteen

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Did you know that Callum and Darcy are each other's firsts? ...no? Oh, good, glad I got that spoiler out of the way, so you won't be so ?!?!? when you read this chapter. I'd had that planned way back when writing Knight in Distress, which is why you may have sensed a very solid dynamic between Callum and Darcy.

On another note, this is probably the chapter you've been waiting for. Took us nineteen chapters, but here we are.

x Noelle


1 9

the one you've been waiting for

NEW YEAR'S EVE had me spending it the way I always did—with family. Us Evers had a tradition of hosting Caverly's official party—not the only one by any means, but certainly the biggest one in town.

By late afternoon, the house was in a state of utter chaos. Dad had only just begun setting up the barbecue with Ean. Mum bustled about the kitchen, like a hurricane amidst a whirlwind of frosting and cakes. I'd been tasked with 'logistics'—which was really a nicer version of hide-everything-valuable-in-this-house-in-case-of-thieving.

A sudden knock startled me. I sprang up, then winced as I smacked my head against the cupboard frame. Grumbling under my breath, I rubbed my head and headed to the door. "Mom, where did you leave the keys? I think Dad forgot his again—" I stopped short when I saw the person on the front porch. "Miles!"

Dressed in a blue jacket, with his dark hair tucked under a black wool hat, he cut a solitary but welcome figure. He fell a step back when I opened the door, and tucked the bottle of champagne under his left arm. My breath caught in my throat. He was here.

He was also two hours early.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Miles asked.

"What?" Belatedly, I realized that I was still rubbing my bruise. I stopped with a blush. "Oh, no, it's nothing. What're you doing here so early? I texted you that the party was at seven...didn't I?"

Pink cut his cheeks. "Yeah, you did. But I figured your parents would need some help. It was always a mad rush for them at this time, if I remember correctly."

I beamed, suddenly fighting the urge to hug him. "Thank you," I said softly, and took the bottle of champagne that he held out to me. It was my parents' favorite—I couldn't believe he remembered that too. "They'll be thrilled to finally see you."

'Happy' was an understatement. Mom dropped the icing packet with a shriek and bestowed two smacking kisses on his cheek that made him flush even harder. "Look at you," she cooed, as she surveyed him. "You're still so thin. And you look so tired. Have you been overworking yourself these past few years?"

I noticed him avert his eyes at that, so I quickly stepped in. "Okay, Mom, he's not a chicken at the marketplace. Now let him go."

"Not until he tries this." She shoved a freshly-frosted cupcake into his hands. Miles looked startled, but his lips quirked and he mumbled a quick word of thanks. I reached for a cupcake, only to yelp when Mom smacked my hand. "No touching!" she scolded. "Are you a guest?"

"I am your daughter!"

"You can have them at the party. Now get out of my kitchen, you two— No, I've got it all covered here, dear." She waved Miles away when he stepped forward to help her. "Go say hello to my husband. He's been dying to see you again."

2.8 | Miles AwayWhere stories live. Discover now