27 | twenty-seven

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Thank you for all your yays, I'm glad you're all aboard this ship. Although that isn't to say the endgame is confirmed, you know how notorious I am at sinking ships. I'm just saying.

x Noelle



the one with the history

I KNEW IT wasn't shaping up to be a good day when an intern got my coffee wrong. To make matters worse, it was decaf. By four, I was nursing the most awful headache and couldn't wait to be done for the day.

Until I entered the lobby.

My eyes widened as I came to a halt. I hadn't seen or spoken to Miles since the day of the Riverton carnival, because it seemed like he needed some time to deal with the fallout. But now, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He stood with his hip propped against the counter as he texted; his suit jacket tucked under one arm and the sleeves of his white shirt rolled to his elbows. I knew he wasn't trying to look sexy or anything, but he sure as hell did just then.

"Miles, hey!" His head shot up at the sound of my voice. He straightened and ran a hand through his tousled hair. My smile widened. "What're you doing here?"

His cheeks pinked. "Actually, I wanted to ask if you'd like to go somewhere with me."

My eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Yes, but only if you're done with work..."

"Oh, I'm definitely done!" I wasn't. There were fifteen minutes left to the end of my shift, but I hoped the night manager had already shown up for work. "One second, let me get my bag!"

I left him in the lobby and ducked into the nearby staff's room. Just as I'd expected, Betty was in the midst of pinning her name tag on when I entered the room. I convinced her to cover for me while I clocked out, to which she agreed.

"That hot piece of ass in the lobby?" She hummed appreciatively when I pointed to Miles through the tiny window. "Go get him, tiger, before I do."

I snorted as I imagined Miles's face if he heard that a sixty-year old woman had just called him a 'hot piece of ass'. "See you tomorrow," I called to Betty, as I grabbed my bag and headed off. Miles was exactly where I'd left him and he glanced up from his phone as I came up. I shot him a bright smile. "Let's go."

He followed me out of Sereinn and to his car parked in the driveway. "Don't you want to know where we're going?" he asked, as I climbed into the passenger's seat beside him.

"Surprise me. I know it's going to be somewhere I'll love."

His lips quirked. "Hold that thought."


"You know, I think you're right. I take back what I said earlier."

Miles kept his eyes on the road, but I noticed his wry smile. "Yeah?"

I grinned back at him. We'd been driving for awhile now and had made small talk on the ride over. Just as I'd expected, he'd choked when I told him what Betty had said. He'd blushed and sputtered something about her being wrong. But I'd told him to accept the compliment because, yeah, he had one hell of a hot ass.

2.8 | Miles AwayWhere stories live. Discover now