Flightless bird

18 4 1

One day, I heard

A flightless bird

And he was stranded

He was so wounded

He was crying

For help, mourning

I saw in his tears

Despondency flares

I wanted to help him

But he was way too grim

I offered him my help

And he refused with a yelp

He was sad


He was hurt

He felt bad

He was a flightless bird,

And I was so blurred.

Through the time, he let me

Come up to him and see

His scars and his tears

He told me his fears

He lived some hard stories

Moments full of unease

I never heard that

My life was just flat

I listened to him for

Many nights, maybe more

Attentive, I heard,

The harsh past of a bird

Life is tough

Sometimes vile

But someday

You can huff

He was a flightless bird,

And I was so blurred.

Gently he get better

There was no more pressure

His wings were treated

He was now heeded

He was now my friend for

A lifetime, maybe more

Us, in my heart's core

Best friends, maybe more

I took him, in my arms

I succumbed to his charms

I felt my members

Becoming embers




And so free

He was a Firebird

Nothing was now blurred

He has never been the flightless bird,

He was the one who made me fly again.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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