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IN THE CITY OF HAVANA, the scorching sun was shining over the town square where dozens of people began to gather, awaiting the hanging that would happen in a few moments. There were tales of the one they called the Dread Pirate Dragomir, a woman who brought the wrath of the seven seas in her wake, and has cheated death himself on several occasions. Some of them seemed too unbelievable to be true.

Captain Scarlett Dragomir- A woman who was as clever as the devil, and twice as pretty. With the voice and beauty of a siren, as well as the blades of an Assassin, she was a lady to be rightfully feared. Being the daughter of the infamously treacherous known as Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch, she has earned her title with acts of chaos and mischief.

The horse-drawn carriage rocked slightly as the wheels collided with the rocks that were scattered all over the dirt road. Despite the number of guards that surrounded the convoy, a single woman with eyes the color of the ocean and crimson hair sat in the wagon, a smirk lifting her cherry red lips. Iron bracelets bound her wrists together uncomfortably. Instead of irritation on her expression, she was simply amused as she hummed the sea shanties cheerfully to herself.

It was a memorable day for Scarlett Dragomir Thatch. The day finally came when she would pay for her absurdly numerous crimes, and all she could think of was how disappointed her mother would be if she could see her now. Not because she had committed more acts of piracy than she could count with her fingers and other such crimes, but because she had somehow gotten caught.

Adelaide Dragomir, a simple yet enchanting lady from England who had caught the eye of a man named Thatch the day before the Queen Anne's Revenge departed the docks of London. The only proof of the night they had spent together was their daughter born nine months later, shortly after Adelaide's marriage to a nobleman named William Lavaud, who had a son named Alexander with his first wife before she passed during childbirth. Aleck was two years older than Scarlett, and despite not being related by blood, he was truly like family to her.

Memories of her life growing up in England were bittersweet, especially after her stepfather, a man who had always treated her as her own, and her mother's murder when she was younger by William's brother- a man named Pierre. It was then she was taken in by Malcolm Delacroix, an Assassin who taught her the ways of the Creed, and a few years later she met her true and formerly estranged father, who taught her the ways of a captain.

"Yo ho, all hands, hoist the colors high..." Scarlett was singing under her breath, her head resting against the carriage's wooden walls with her eyes closed. "Heave ho, thieves and beggars... never shall we die. Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colors high."

She may have seemed as calm as always, but her mind was already thinking a hundred possibilities for her escape at once. They had taken her weapons, which, she had to admit, was unfortunate considering she wanted to escape, she thought of it as a minor problem. The horses pulling the wagon stopped abruptly, which made the redhead jerk forward at the sudden force. She still wore the same dark robes she had ever since she docked in Havana that morning. Around her neck was a golden pirate galleon hanging on a black cord- a gift that had a very strong sentimental value to her. Pity to the Spanish soldier who had tried to pry it away from her. The scratch across his cheek was a reminder to a lesson learned with much difficulty.

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