• His Little Helper •

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{Y/N's POV}

[As I was sorting through the assignments, I kept looking up. Mr. Lopez was always staring at me. I don't think he's weird anymore. I think he's a pedophile. He's creepy. But, he seems like a nice guy. But, I said SEEMS. There's no telling how he is in the real world. I looked up at the clock. It was 2:29. 31 more minutes. Mr. Lopez then got up and sat in front of me. I looked up, then went back to what I was doing. He was extremely close to me. My face was, like, almost in his lap, for God's sake. His hand ended up on top of mine. I looked up warily while pulling my hand from under his. He was acting really comfortable around me. Too. Damn. Comfortable. He touched my hand again, this time caressing it. I swallowed a lump that made its way to my throat. I didn't know what to feel. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it slowly. He stared me down the whole time. Some of the papers fell off of the desk, but he didn't seem to notice or mind. He pulled me up to stand. He was really tall. Then, Mr. Lopez lifted my chin, and leaned in. For some fucked up, crazy reason, I leaned in, too. Something screamed in my head to pull away and run up outta there, but my heart told a different story. My heart said that this was right, even if it felt terribly wrong. My lips touched his, moving in sync with every kiss. His tongue slithered its way in my mouth, and mine did the same. This kiss was something else, I tell you. It wasn't like kissing other boys. This one felt real. My iPhone started to blast Grown Woman, signaling that someone was calling me. I jumped at the sound, hurried to get away from him. He stood there and stared at me while I took the call. It was Robyn.]

"Bitch, where you at?! You still at school?"

I sighed. "Yeah. I was, um, helping out Mr. Lopez."

She chuckled, saying, "See, I told you you would like him."

"Yeahh," I said, glancing his way.

"Okay, well, me and yo momma on the way to come get you. It's 3:10. So, be ready."

"Aiight, bye," I said, hanging up.

[I grabbed my bag and walked out, not agknowledging Mr. Lopez. I can't believe what just happened. And, I got a weird feeling when it happened. Like... Like love, or something. You know I gotta let Robyn know, and she ain't gone believe this shit.]

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