• Tonight Is The Night •

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{Y/N's POV}

  [I looked at my clock, palms sweaty from nervousness. Mr. Lopez called me and told me the date was still on and to get dressed. He told me he had everything under control and that he would be here at 8:30 sharp. It's 8:30 now, and right on time, I hear a car door slam shut outside. I run to my full length mirror to check out my outfit. I had on some gold heels, a gold and white 12 jersey tank, and white high waisted skinny jeans. My lip gloss was neat, and my hair was straightened to perfection. Well, to near perfection. I ran downstairs as soon as I heard yh doorbell ring. But, my older brother, Del Reux, beat me to it. Damn.]

  "Who the hell are you," Del Reux asked skeptically.

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