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The buzzling sound from the door prompted Harris Sullivan to answer the intercom.

"It's Harris.Who is this?" 

"Helen, you idiot.Who else could it be? I messaged you a few minutes ago. Open the damn door, its freezing". 

Harris gave a weary sigh and  stood up from the couch. " Im coming. " He then turn of the intercom and put on his robe. Just as he was about to unlock the door, he caught a glimpse of Helen from the window curtains. She was carrying a pile of papers along with a cup of coffee. It only took him five seconds to unlock the door and as soon as the chain was loose, the door swung right in Harris' face. He was then greeted by a wide sarcastic grin. "Thank you for moving so slow", Helen said as she got  in and headed straight to the kitchen.. 

Crazy B*tch, Harris thought as he picked up trails of newsprint paper. 

"What's with all of these?Don't tell me their rushing another article on Teen's Mag" Harris said as he handed out the papers to Helen.She looked at him blankly then tooked the papers  from his hand. "Nope, it ain't for teen's mag. It's for Maestro E, the great love guru. He was so fascinated with my column that he phoned me at the office  yesterday and told me to do him a story."

There was long akward pause then Harris finally said, " I won't edit that. I won't even read that. I mean thinking of you as a columnist on love at a Teen's Mag is okay but being a writer for a love guru is know, suitable for you."

"Come on Harris, you've been my editor and partner for five years . I trust you and see how far our work has been through. It may be hard at first but will get use to it." Helen found her self begging for help. She always hated doing it, especially to men. Her mysandric thoughts took her aback and made her feel a bit irritated. She knew at that moment from the look of Harris' discouraging eyes that she was wrong about telling it to him.

" Okay then. Since you don't believe in me then I will do this on my own." Helen headed towards the door.

"I believe in you Helen. It's just that we took too much risk after what happened to you and a fan. That was almost a breaking point of your career." Harris' tone turned deep from being serious. He looked straight at Helen's eyes to tell her he meant it. 

As Helen heard those words, she realized that her editor was right. The incident that happened a few months ago was very threatening. Luckily, no one in the publishing industry not even the media knew what had happened. Harris managed to make it a secret between the Chief editor of Teen's Mag and to the fan that almost ruined Helen's career. It was too much to consider it as a disaster but even though, she almost lost her job.

"Fine, what do you want me to do then?" Helen finally said. 

"Stop writing love stories. Stop advicing people on their love life as if you have your own. You'll loose your credibility once they find out about thte truth  and you'll be a laughing stock to the writing industry and to your fans as well." Harris said as he approached Helen. " I care about you", he continued then there was something in his voice that made Helen burst in anger. 

"Care about me or care about your own job? You're just afraid of loosing your job!" 

Harris gave out a long sigh."Stop being a cynic Helen."

Without a word, Helen slammed the door as she left. It was always her way of expressing rage to Harry. 

After a few minutes, Harris' phone rang.

"Hey, yeah she left.. I know. She mentioned it. of course.."

The voice on the other line bursted into laughter. " You sure Harris? She really believed about this guru?"

Harris chuckled. "Helen is a sucker when it comes to love. THis will end her career for sure. I just can't wait for that promotion once she's out of my way."

"I tell you this, Harris. Let her do the story on MAestro E and let's wait and see what happens. All she needs now is your hypocritical support."

"Okay, boss."

"Don't you call me boss, boss." more chuckles then the line went dead.

It was all going to plan, that's what Harris and his friend was certain of. 

"Just wait, Harris. Just wait."

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