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Dear Rain,

Today was her birthday, I wanted to greet her so badly, but maybe she won't even reply back, so what I did today was just lie down on my bed the whole day and just sip a whole bottle of Iced Tea, yeah I know it's weird but that's what I do normally here in my house. Also btw, the drawing is half finished, just gotta add some more shadows and more darkening and it will be finished, I'm planning on giving it at the end of the school year, I hope she would like. Omg I've been working on this since January, if she doesn't like it, damn it it would be just a waste of my time.

Also I got invited at her birthday, I didn't go because I was so lazy. Eventually it got cancelled but probably she celebrated it with her family.

That's all I could say, thank you all of the upvotes, means a lot to me. Bye.

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