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Dear Rain,

Today was weird, woke up at 6, normally in weekends I wake up at 10 but wow I was early. Today I was about to go to school but then I realized there was no class today, I already worn my uniform but I remembered today was a rest day. So my parents were laughing because for that lol. So eventually I went to Tacurong today to meet up with Nikoshi, she wanted to play games with me so I also played with her, 10am I went to OB, so I had to wait for her for 2 hours. So we played for about 2 hours maybe and she already went home, so me and my past classmates also saw each other and played. Then after that I went home.

Also yesterday it rained, I forgot to make a letter, sorry about that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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