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Grayson Bailey

   "So since when did I kill your father?" He asks and I sigh, "when you mass murdered Oak Elementary, my father was a children's author, his name was Sean Dolan, as you know. He was one of sixty people that died." I explained, pain in my expressions.

    "And now Kari is scared of me" He whispers and I scoff, "she's not scared because you killed just him, she's scared because she knows you could kill me, her, anyone within seconds. I mean I'd be terrified too if I was her, but to me you seem like a pussy" I say angrily and he chuckles.

   "Yeah okay, and how am I a pussy?" He asks, "you're so desperate you need me on your team, you couldn't even get me by yourself you had to bribe me, besides isn't it like your job to kill me? I'm a threat, remember?" I ask and he shakes his head, laughing slightly.

  "I used your weak spots, that's different" he says as if it made the situation any better. "And what are my weak spots?" I ask, trying to keep him from getting to me.

    "Love. You love too much, I can see it. The way that I touch you, it excites you, to know that I'm the most dangerous man in the world, you love that feeling. You love it so much you can't wait for the day you fall in love with me, but I'm telling you right now, don't. Because I will never love you back the way you will with me, I can't. I can't even try to love you, because then I'll be lying to you and me. Save yourself the pain and know that everything I do, it's all a game." He tells me making me roll my eyes, his words genuinely hurt me, I'm not even sure if those were my intentions but I know myself, and he's acting like he knows me better than anyone.

    "I would never fall for a sick fuck like you, you can't even figure yourself out. You're just a psychotic asshole off his meds, you make no one happy and one day you're just gonna end up dying alone. Because no one will truly love you, you won't let them, so do us all a favor and take you're fucking little happy pills, I already can see that no one in this house can stand you." At this point I was fuming, the more I came for him the more I could read him, his actions all lined up, everything he did was added together.

    His biggest fear was being left alone, and I was so damn proud to figure that out. Ethan stood up angrily, stomping towards me, "don't ever fucking tell me how to live my life again, I own you now. All of your decisions are mine, and I dare you to treat me like that again" he challenges and I smirk, standing up and getting close to him, our chests pretty much pressing together.

    "Fuck you" I spit and he huffs, slamming his lips against mine, pushing me back down onto the back living room couch. He's quick to get on top of me, tightly grabbing my throat, squeezing the sides of it so I could still breathe.

  "Oh I am gonna fuck you, so hard to the point where you won't be able to walk straight for literally days." He growls in my ear, grinding down on my crotch making me groan. Ethan passionately kisses me, slipping his tongue into my mouth, tasting me, massaging my tongue with his.

   The kiss was so deep it almost felt real, but his words repeated in my head. He'll never love me. He can't. No matter how hard he tries. Ethan pushes himself up off of me and walks away like nothing happened, leaving me panting, struggling to breathe, and excited.

   I storm off into my room to see Kari sitting on my bed, "are you okay? I heard yelling" she asks and I smile, "I'm perfectly okay, baby girl" I assure her and she smiles.

    "Good! Because I wanna teach you some German" she says excitedly and I lay down on the bed next to her.

   "How do you say 'hello, how are you'?" I think back to my German classes and answer confidently; "Hallo wie geht's dir?". "Gut!" -good- she says excitedly.

   A soft knock sounds on the door and then opened, revealing Manny. "Hi sweetie, I'm Manny, do you wanna check out your new room?" He asks sweetly and she nods excitedly.

   I get up and follow them down stairs, we go down the two main hallways to a line of doors, Manny opened the second one and inside is a pastel blue and pink themed room.

  Ethan stood in the middle of it looking around, he turned around and smiled at Kari, his eyes looked over to me and at my neck, smirking to himself making me furrow my brows. Ethan brushes past me, but stops and whispers into my ear, "You bruise easily" he walks out and I gulp.

   "This is your new room, Kari. There's dolls over here with a doll house that Ethan made just for you, and your new bed is decorated like a princess's bed" Manny says happily, I knew the Ethan shit was fake, it looked like it was from some basic toy store. But I appreciated the effort to make her less terrified, she jumped up on the bed and giggled, bouncing up and down.

   "Uh, Grayson? Can I talk to you for a second?" Manny asks and I nod, Manny was always the one that I was okay with. I knew that he was a genuinely good guy, just in the wrong crowd.

   We exit the room, into the hallway. "What are you doing with Ethan? You're gonna get yourself hurt" Manny confronts and I sigh, "nothing. It's just games, it's all games" I assure him and he eyes me suspiciously.

   "You'll never be able to kill him" he tells me and I shake my head. "I don't want him dead anymore" I say bluntly and he cocks his head.

    "Then want do you want?" He asks curiously, making me sigh. "I want him to take his stupid meds and to start thinking straight again. He's gonna die alone if he keeps his bullshit up." I say angrily and he gasps.

    "What?" I ask annoyed and he smirks, "the good boy falling for the bad boy. Awww, I ship! I really do get where you're coming from but, Gray Bae, it's never gonna happen. He won't take them, he doesn't like them"

    "I know but they'll help him, they'll fix him" I argue and he shakes his head.

    "He's not broken" Manny states and walks away from me. "What the fuck is happening?" I whisper to myself, sliding down the wall onto my butt and curling myself up.

    Days ago I was trying to kill him, but now that my sister is here, I want to be the good pure guy again, the guy that I was before my dad passed away, before my mom left me to fend for myself, I want to be the caring guy who sees every side of the situation. The guy who has an explanation for everyone's actions, I want to be the old me.

   But I can't, not while I'm getting involved with Ethan, he's right though. One day I will fall for him, and he will break me to pieces. It won't be him who kills me, it'll be my feelings. Because I do love way too easily, I'm too forgiving and caring.

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