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Grayson Bailey

"It's Paris time, bitches!" Jackson yells, throwing his hands up and doing some weird dance that made me giggle. "Wait why are we going to Paris?" I ask, "I have some business to take care of and it's Jack's favorite place" Ethan speaks up and I nod.

We pile our bags into the car and get in. Ethan was in the drivers seat, I was in the passengers seat, Cameron was behind me and Jack was behind Ethan, leaving Manny in the middle. "How long will we be gone for?" Cameron asks, "like a week at most" Ethan answers and drives off.

"It's an hour ride to the jets so if you have to pee say something now" Ethan announces and no one speaks up. Ethan reaches over and turns on the radio, scrolling through the channels but gets frustrated since it's all ads.

"Here" Ethan hands me his phone and the aux cord. "What's the password?" I ask and he motions for the phone, I turn it towards him and it unlocks, taking in his face.

I ignore the wealthiness and plug in the aux, choosing a song from his Apple Music. Lost Without You starts playing and Ethan almost immediately bobs his head, singing softly.

"I'm lost without you, can't help myself, how does it feel to know that I love you baby!" Ethan sings, rocking his head. "Tell me how you love me more and how you think I'm sexy, babe" Ethan practically yells making me smile.

Ethan turns to me and points a finger at me, singing to the words ridiculously loud. I was still very angry with him but I like his goofy side so I decided to let the anger rest for now.

Ethan's whole body sways in his seat as he changes lanes and we got onto the highway. He turns up the music and stops singing, almost like he was taking the music in.

I grabbed Ethan's phone and started looking for a new song to play as this one came to an end. I clicked on a German song called 9Leben and Jackson yelled; "yes bitch!" Making me laugh.

Ethan's head started to nod to the rock beat, even though I couldn't really understand the words I really liked it. It was like a German rock song, Jack sang along to the words, Manny just watched him with an amused face and Cameron stayed in his own little bubble.

I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes, hoping to catch some rest. I could feel Ethan glance over at me every now and then but I was too tired to care.

Song after song played in the radio, I got no sleep because Jack wouldn't shut up and Ethan kept turning the radio up louder, probably hoping to drown Jackson's voice out but he would only raise his voice.

The music suddenly stops "JACKSON!" Ethan screams making me jump out of my seat. "Shut the fuck up!" Ethan yells at him, Jack looks at Ethan blankly for a second before rolling his eyes. "Anyway..." Jack whispers, continuing his conversation with Manny.

"We're here" Ethan grumbles and everyone gets out of the car, grabbing our bags from the trunk and climbing up the steps into the jet.

"I can't wait to show you around Paris" Ethan tells me and I roll my eyes, my petty anger suddenly coming back. "Whatever" I mumble and sit down down in a seat.

Ethan sits across from em and frowns at me. "So what? Are we like over already? I mean we just got back together" he tells me and I shake my head with a scoff. "Yeah and about 2 hours after getting back together you woke up and practically beat me. So sorry if I'm a little mad about that" I spit making him sigh.

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