Chapter 1

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I shot upright, screaming. My blonde hair whipped upwards and I dug my nails into my bed. I saw my door open, but it was blurry and fragmental. I saw a middle-aged woman. She was quite beautiful, with electric blue eyes and short golden hair. I felt her hands on my shoulders and they were warm, calluses dotting them. Her nails scratched me lightly as she moved, her breath fast. My vision was still blurred and every thing passed by in small pieces. I suddenly felt very tired, as though I'd been awake for days on end. My eyelids felt heavy and I slumped down onto the soft cushion, closing my eyes. Now the woman shook me viciously, rousing me out of my hazy state. I narrowed my eyes and saw her clearly. I felt like I knew this woman, the feel of her hands on my skin comforting, just as her blue gaze was familiar. It was making me angry, knowing this woman but not knowing her all at the same time. It made me clench my fists and I opened my mouth, "Who are you?" I asked. She became still, her eyes closing. I saw a tear push its way out of her eye, rolling down her rosy cheeks. "Dakota," she whispered. "It's mommy." She reached for me, but I pulled away. "No." I said defiantly. I didn't know who she was, how could she be my mother. The door moved and I became alert, fixing my stare on the boy who was there. He was gorgeous. His messy blonde hair glinted in the light of the room and his green eyes were flecked with brown. Freckles were sprinkled along his cheeks and nose, like raindrops on pavement. He looked at me, sadness clouding his gaze. He stepped towards me, his footsteps like rose petals falling onto the spring ground. "Dakota," he whispered. The pain was unbearable, like being lashed with a million whips. Memories spiraled around in my head in fractals. I saw everything I'd ever experienced, good and bad. I saw heartbreak and pure love, death and birth. I saw thousands of memories featuring the boy who had just said my name. "Oliver." I said hoarsely, falling backwards onto the bed, my eyes closing.


I opened my eyes drowsily, my eye lashes stuck together and wet. I looked around warily. I was in a simple black room with a desk, a chair and several filing cabinets. I was lying on a love seat in the corner of the room. I got up and walked around, the room was poorly decorated and the only things on the desk were a sleek black laptop, a small plant and a picture of a young woman. She was tall and slender, her long chocolate hair was pulled back into a braid, and her dark brown eyes were big and curious. She was standing near a willow tree, her white dress flowing behind her. It was a perfect picture like something you would see on television. I picked the picture up, running my fingers over the glass. "Admiring my things?" I heard a gruff voice behind me and I turned quickly. A man in a black suit stood there, with steel blue eyes and short cropped grey hair. "If I may, William." I replied softly. William smiled at me, a rare but familiar sight. "What happened to you, Dakota? Why does this happen to you?" He murmured the questions, half to himself. I shrugged, running and hand through my tangled hair. I hadn't showered in two days and my hair was greasy. I looked around again, setting the picture down. I spotted a bag next to the love seat, I hadn't noticed it before. It was black and was printed with white kitten silhouettes. I recognized it immediately. It was mine, a gift from my mother when I turned five. I had taken that very bag on every vacation and trip I'd been on. I walked over to it, picking it up and sitting on the love seat. I opened it slowly, the sound of the zipper loud in the silent room. It was full of clothes, my toiletries tucked into the sides. On the top of everything was a small plush dog. It was a Dalmatian, now grey instead of white. It's black bead eyes seemed sad, and I picked it up. "Pongo," I murmured. I was given this dog when I was born, by a great aunt who was now deceased. I stood up. "Let's go, William."

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