True Colors

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Before the time of complete understanding, there was a single planet. This planet was small, it wasn't of our galaxy, no, it was isolated. It was so isolated, that even the furthest star was lightyears away. It was the prettiest white with small specks of a beautiful blue. It gets its color from the love, hope, peace, and faith of the creatures that live on it.
One day, however, was not peaceful. There was a huge rock that hit this planet right on the top center. It was strong enough to crack the planet in half. However, it was not broken but now the creatures were separated. The ones that lived on the left side never regained peace; therefore, the left became grayer. The ones that lived on the right, tried to recover from the horrific event; therefore, their side stayed white, but it was never as pretty as before.
Over time, the ones on the left became selfish and stopped caring about the ones on the right, that made there side darker. They were losing faith and turned on each other so their beautiful blue specks became like blotches of the ugliest red and green. The ones on the right side decided to make this horrific event change them positively, they compliment each other and help out; therefore the blue specks became prettier than before, and the prettiest red showed up in specks.
After a while, the ones on the left started trying to change the ones on the right. They were yelling, taunting, and picking at them across the crack. This made the right side lose their peace and the pretty white became grayer. The right side started to take action. They set up for war, they figured the quicker the left was destroyed the better they will be. The right brought sharp weapons but only one creature from the left came, and it brought a simple game. The right side was confused; worried, that the left was tricking them. The right became scared and ran off, wondering what they were planning. The right side declared the end of the war. The left side felt accomplished, but little did they know that the right had the upper hand. The right side never killed any creature of the left side, what they did was simple, they separated themselves from the left. The left was furious and did not know what to do, they couldn't believe that this would happen but deep down they knew it was for the best. The right was ecstatic, happy that after all this time they can finally live without the constant evil.
Now, the right side has never regained the beautiful white but as time goes on they will teach their offspring to make their side prettier. The left side, however, taught their offspring to be devilish. Their color became ugly dark blackish-violet and the blotches were a mix of blood red and the sickest dullest green. The sides are drifting in two different directions, they will never meet up, and they will never change.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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