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Jimin sat with Yoongi after yet another day of class as he watched Yoongi grade paper and Yoongi blushed as he asked Jimin the big question as he and Jimin have secretly liked eachother for awhile now and of course Jimin said yes. The next few minutes were spent cuddling as they shared a peck on the lips or cheek here and there and whispering "i love you" to each other as they had to remain secret.

Jimin smiled a huge smile at his boyfriend as he watched him work and saw it was his paper that Yoongi was grading "Yoongi? Is that my paper?" He smiled more and Yoongi did too while looking at Jimin "why yes it is and guess what" he drew an A+ on Jimin's paper drawing a circle around it before showing Jimin. Jimin smiled big as he held the paper and hugged Yoongi and kept saying thank you over and over.

Jimin smiled as he put the paper in his bag and sat down with Yoongi again. Jimin looked at Yoongi "can we eat together today?" he nodded "what do you want to eat?" Jimin thought for a minute before smiling "can we share yours?" Yoongi smiled and nodded "of course come on lets go" Yoongi held Jimin's hand and helped him into the car and drove off,

Hey readers!!!

Hope you guys liked this one!!!

I will probably update either tomorrow or tuesday cuz i am sick so i need to rest!!!

I hope you guys understand!

bye bye!

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