One| Be nice
Two| Don't share the password
Three| Create a form to join
Four| Stick to the aesthetic: spices
Five| No swearing but mousebrain, foxheart, foxdung, etc. Are okay
Six| Ask before editing, writing, or deleting anyone else's books.
Seven| The password for the form is to tag someone who might join.
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Leader - 1/1 - CLOSED
Access to everything! Mostly responsible for keeping the account nice, but does anything.Deputy - 1/1 - CLOSED
Access to everything, but must ask before changing covers and profile picture. Does anything, but must make sure the account is nice and active.Medicine Cats - 1/2 - OPEN
Same as deputy, but responsible for graphics, editing, writing.Warriors - 2/6 - OPEN
Access to evrything, but must ask leader or deputy before usage of message board. Responsible for writing, running games, and such.Apprentices - 0/3 - OPEN
Only PM is nessicary for games or permission requests. Responsible for writing, running minigames, and such.Queens - 0/2 - OPEN
Same as warriors, but responsible for more of the grpahics stuff others can't do, and making sure everything is fine, and fixing it if it's not.There are no kits, and elders are previous members.
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Hope to see you soon!