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Mater POV

it is time. Lightning McQueen got his paint job and sticker done and-oh! I got one as well. We made to the airport and we have to say goodbye to our friends. Everything was amazing! We had food, we watch tv and everything was great! And 2 minutes later, I fell a sleep.

( dream and a flashback )

I woke up by my alarm and I was back in my old childhood room. * It sure it's quiet here, too quiet. * i thought " maybe mom and dad are down stairs making breakfast. " i said and drove out of my room and went down stairs to the kitchen. " good morning, guys- " and just as I about to say it, it was just my dad. Sitting there, alone and looks so sad. But why?

" dad? " i said. Worried about dad " huh, son. " dad said, now noticing I'm there." are you okay?... Where's mom? " i asked. Dad gave a sad look on his face, knowing its not good. " mater... your mother... has gone missing. " what... that can't bee true! " mater, mater, mater~"

( dream and flashback ended )

" NO!!! " i cried, woke up in fear. I looked at mcqueen, seeing his look of worry. " mater? Are you okay? " McQueen asked. I didn't know how to response when until the voice came from the airplane, saying we're here. " umm... we should probably get going. " i said. " oh...okay. are you sure-" as he was talking, I cut him off " I'm fine. I'm just... tired. " i said and left my seat.

Time skip

 We traviled down the city in Tokyo, and we were amazed. We went to shops, plays, everywhere! We made it to the racing museum and all the photographers are taking pictures of them. We went inside and... oh, my, god.. this place is huge. " Guido, look! Ferraris and tires! Let's go! " Luigi said and they drove off, leaving with me and mcqueen. " Hey, look at this. Okay now Mater, remember: best behavior. " Mcqueen said. " You got it, buddy. Hey, what's that? " I said, as I saw something so I drove off. " Mater! "

I drove to a big glass where a guy scraping the sand. Coool~ I knocked on the glass with my hook to get his attention. " Hey! You done good! You got all the leaves! " I said. Then I got dragged by someone, but who? McQueen?! " Mater, listen. This isn't Radiator Springs. " Mcqueen said " You're just realizing that? Boy, that jet-lag really done a number on you. " I said " Mater, look...things are different over here. Which means maybe you should, you know, act a little different too. " he said. Different? " Different than what? " i questioned " Well, just... help me out here, buddy. I - "

" You need help? Shoot, why didn't you just say so? That's what a tow truck does. Hey, looky there, it's Mr. San Francisco! " i point at him across the room. " I'll introduce you. " i said " Mater, no. " he said, but i ignored him and drove off. " Look at me... I'm helping you already! " I yelled. We drove to Mr. San Francisco and greet him. " Hey Mr. San Francisco, I'd like you to meet - " as I about to introduce him to McQueen, he cuts me off. " Lightning McQueen! Buona sera. " francisco said. " Nice to meet you, Francesco. " mcqueen greets. " Yeah, nice to meet you too. You are very good-looking. Not as good as I thought, but you're good. " Francisco said " Excuse me. Can I get a picture with you? " I asked " Anything for McQueen's friend. " he said we took the picture. " miss Sally is gonna flip when she sees this. She's Lightning McQueen's girlfriend. "

" Oooh. " he gasp " She's a big fan of yours. " I said " Hey, she has good taste. " he said " Mater's prone to exaggeration. I wouldn't say she's a "big" fan. " Mcqueen said, with a nervous smile, I think. " You're right. She's a huge fan. She goes on and on about your open wheels here. " i told him " Mentioning it once doesn't qualify as going "on and on." "McQueen said " Francesco is familiar with this reaction to Francesco. Women respect a car that has nothing to hide. " Francesco said " Yeah, uh... " Mcqueen agreed " Let us have a toast. " francesco said, with is glass. " Let's. " Mcqueen said. " I dedicate my win tomorrow... to Miss Sally. "

" Oh, sorry. I already dedicated MY win tomorrow to her. So if we both do it, it's really not so special. Besides, I don't have a drink. " Mcqueen said. Well, why didn't you say so, mate. " I'll go get you one. You mind if I borrow a few bucks for one of them drinks? " i asked him " They're free, Mater. " mcqueen said. " Free? Well, shoot, what am I doing here? "  

Finn Mcmissile POV

Im in Tokyo at the party at the museum, looking for a camera that the lemons brought in. I used my scanner to scan the cameras, but nothing. As i was scanning the cameras, i saw a dark pinkish purple car in front of me. " oh, hello. " she greets. " hello. " i greet as well. " A Volkswagen Karmann Ghia has no radiator. " she said " That's because it's air-cooled. " I said " Great, I'm Agent Shiftwell, Holley Shiftwell from the Tokyo Station. I have a message from London. " holly introduced herself "  Not here. You must try the canapes on the mezzanine! "

We went to elevator and inside of it and life's us both up. " So the lab boys analyzed the photo I sent? What did they learn about the camera? " I asked " It appears to be a standard television camera. They said if you could get closer photos next time, that would be great. " Holly said. Wait, what? " This was London's message? " I asked with confusion. " Oh, no, no. No sir. Um, the oil platforms you were on? Turns out they're sitting on the biggest oil reserve in the world. "

" How did we miss that? " i asked " They'd been scrambling everyone's satellites. The Americans actually discovered it just before you did. They placed an agent on that platform, under deep cover. He was able to get a photo of the car who's running the entire operation. " holly told me. American spy. We got off the elevator and looked at the balcony. " Who is it? Has anyone seen the photo yet? " i asked, again. " No, not yet. The American is here tonight to pass it to you. He'll signal you when he's ready. " holly said.

But then..." Oh no. " professor z and the gang is here. I went backwards so they won't see me. Then holly know its somethings wrong. "  What is it? " she asked " Change of plan. You're meeting the American. " I said " What, me? " holly gasped " Those thugs down there were on the oil platform. If they see me, the whole mission is compromised. " I told her " No, no. I'm technical, you see. I'm in Diagnostics. I'm not a field agent. " holly said. " You are now. " I told her. Alright professor, game on.

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