The Tri-Wizard Tournament.

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All students gawked to the sky as a mighty carriage appeared from the distance. The clouds parted as they rushed towards the windows and arches, looking up to the flying object. Winged Pegasus' drew the bobbing cart as it glided delicately down towards the Hogwarts grounds.

Then there came a loud splashing noise as the students of Hogwarts took their case from the carriage to look down to the black lake. From the water, a magnificent boat sprouted, and swayed on the water, finally coming to a complete rest at the edge of the lake, leading up to Hogwarts.


"And now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement... This castle-" Professor Dumbledore was interrupted as Mr Filtch opened up the doors to the Great Hall and came running towards him.

"Will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well" he continued without distraction, "You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-"

Mr Filtch finally made his way up to the podium and started talking to the headmaster in whispers. When they stopped a few seconds later, Filtch started to run back as Dumbledore continued as planned.

"So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event! The Tri-Wizard Tournament!" Hushed whispers broke out on all tables.

"Now for those of you who do not know, the Tri-Wizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone, and trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint hearted." He stared around at the many people who leaned in expectantly.

"But more of that later! For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Bobatant Academy of Magic, and their headmistress, Madam Maxine!"

The huge door swung open and in poured a group of beautiful women! They wore a blueish grey silk that was fashioned into a short dress and shawl as their uniforms. They each wore a tilted grey hat that highlighted their facial features.

They walked in unison stopping once to lean to one side and flutter they arms as off swooning. They let out a cute sigh before straightening up and walking further down. They stopped again, this time leaning to the other side and doing the same. This time, they didn't start walking again, they started to run up towards the front, shaking their hips violently.

"Bloody hell..." Ron whispered to Harry as he stared at the shaking backsides as they ran.

They opened their arms quickly, letting small magical birds flutter around them. They parted and started to form into a line Infront of the podium.

Their headmistress was tall. Extremely tall! She seemed even taller than Hagrid! She swayed over to the front of the room, her daughter, also in uniform, by her side.

"Blimey, that's one big women," Seamus prodded Ron and raised his eyebrows at Madame Maxine.

They all bowed as the Hogwarts students started to cheer. Most of the noise came from the men in the room, enchanted by the womens beauty. The girls on the other hand were not that enthusiastic. Ginny and Hermione looked at each other before looking around. Ginny looked straight at Harry, who was clapping rapidly. Hermione looked up at Ron for a split second before noticing a certain blonde in the distant Slytherin table. Draco was clapping as well, a smile on his face. Hermione just pouted and looked back to Ginny.

"And now our friends from the north! Please greet the proud sons of Drumstrang, and their highmaster, Egor Cackerow!"

The cheers died down as all eyes went back to the wooden door. In walked muscular men, each holding a decorative staff. They marched in a single line, banging their staffs on the floor, producing sparks and leaving scorch marks.

Their uniform mostly consisted of brown based colours. Some wore fur hats and large overcoats while some just wore a tunic and trousers with leather boots. They started to twirl their staffs in unison, chanting to their beat.

Suddenly, they began to sprint towards the front, some performing flips and cartwheels. The final two men came through the door. The one in white furs was presumably the highmaster and the last student... Was Victor Krum!

Anyone who had gone to the Quidditch World Cup or knew anything about Quidditch, knew Victor Krum! He was supposed to be the best seeker in the world. He walked in with a stern expression, showing how masculine be was.

"Blimey, it's him..." Ron squeaked, "Victor Krum!"

One of the boys at the front draw their wand and blew into it, producing a magnificent fire creature which twisted and turned before dying out.

The highmaster came forward and clapped Dumbledore on the back, "Albus!"

It was the women's turn to marvel at the perfect men. Most sighed and grabbed their friends for support. Hermione had to admit, they did look hot. She allowed herself and Ginny to smile and giggle occasionally.

When she finally looked back to the table she was at, both Harry and Ron were looking at them as if they were killing them. Ginny cleared her throat and looked back to Dumbledore, giving Harry a weak smile. Hermione looked past Ron and saw Draco quickly look towards the podium, obviously flushed that she had seen him looking. So he did care...?


Harry, Ron and Hermione rushed into the Griffindor Tower, bloated from the feast. Everyone was buzzing with excitement as they talked and talked about the tournament. They all talked about how they found the 'over 17' rule a bit much. They talked about the Goblet of Fire and now awesome it looked. Some couples were rolling their eyes at each other as one would talk about the new girls and the other would talk about the new boys. Others were conversing about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody.

The Weasley twins were furious! They were turning seventeen in only a few months and they desperately wanted to participate in the tournament! Harry and Ron were discussing how awesome it would be if they could enter.

Hermione, on the other hand, only thought about one person. Draco Malfoy. She went up to bed in silence, without even saying goodnight to Harry and Ron. She pulled the covers over her and tried to get the image of Draco's hurt face when she had been giggling over Krum, out of her mind. It didn't work, so she just let it stay there. She fell asleep thinking of her secret friend.

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