Christmas Love.

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For the first time in years, the Great Hall was packed for Christmas. All students from fourth year and above were invited to the Yule Ball that was to be held a few days after the Christmas feast. Naturally, most had stayed. Some third years were aloud to attend if they were going with someone from a higher year, which Ginny was, she had been invited by Neville Longbottom. There were no first years nor second years as they were not invited to the Yule Ball and they didn't want to be surrounded by all the scary teenagers.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville sat in their group at the Griffindor table. They were waiting for the morning post, which no doubt contained presents from friends and family. Hermione was waiting for a card from a friend she had met on her holiday to France. She was a student at Fleur's school, but only being a fourth year, she wasn't taken to Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

She was also looking out for a particular owl that she had given the task of delivering a very special present to someone in the Great Hall. She wanted to make sure that Draco got his Christmas present from her in one piece. She hoped to Godric Griffindor himself that he would like what she had given him. She hoped it was simple gesture with a lot of meaning, she didn't have as much money as the Malfoy's did.

"Incoming!" Ron cried as everyone looked up to the many owls that started flooding in from the ceiling.

Everyone gasped as an eagle owl swooped down carrying a rather long box, encased in wrapping paper. The box was nearly as tall as Hermione and it landed on the table with a slam, making everyone jump back a bit. At first, everyone thought it was for Harry, had had a past with mysterious presents that took up space on the table, but it wasn't for him. He took the letter that was attached to the present and looked at who it was addressed to.

"To Bookworm-" before he had a chance to read anymore, Hermione had snatched the parchment from his hands.

By that time, a sizeable crowd had gathered by the Griffindor table to inspect the commotion. Hermione opened the letter herself and started to blush wildly, making many people squash together behind her to read it as well.

'Dear Bookworm,

Merry Christmas! I know what you are thinking, I shouldn't have, but seriously, I think you deserve it now. You deserve one of your own, and I know that you deserve quality, so I decided to give you it. You are the most special and beautiful woman I have ever seen and you should be able to show off your talent. And I know, I could have given this to you myself, but where's the fun in that?

Love from, Sleekhair'

Hermione blushed as realised people had read it with her and were muttering about who the mysterious 'Sleekhair' could be. She stuffed the letter in her pocket, away from public display and started to unwrap her present. Once the paper was off there was a highly decorated mahogany case carved into intricate patterns that in itself was beautiful. 

Her hands glided over the latch, taking it in before unbuckling it and swinging the case open. Everyone around her took in breath as it was revealed. They hadn't expected that, at least not as a gift to Hermione. As far as they knew, she had never been on a broomstick since their first year, and now here she was, holding her very own one! Not just any broomstick, this was a new model that had only been released a few months ago. This was a BoltVolt! 

Everyone was either amazed at the sight of the new broom or was confused at the reason why Hermion Granger of all people was given a broom at all. She knew why, she let a broad smile crawl onto her face. Now she knew what Draco meant by she deserving something. He was surprisingly a good instructor when it came to flying, and she was now making considerable improvements in her own skill set. However, she had expressed concerns about having to take Harry's Firebolt all the time. Now she had her own broom and it could match the Firebolt's speed, but with better manoeuvrability. This was the perfect gift, it reminded her of how she and Draco had first met each other on equal ground.

She quickly gathered up all the other presents that she had ignored and stuffed them in her bag, excited to try it out. She put the box over her shoulder and she ran out of the Great Hall, followed by the crowd of people that were fascinated by her present. Finally, she thought, a chance to finally show off my new skills!


Draco smiled as he saw the owl swoop in and drop the present on the Griffindor table by Hermione. Instantly, a crowd came over to her, blocking her from his view. He jumped as a small wrapped package slammed on the table in front of him drawing away from his fantasies. He had been so intent on making sure she got her present that he forgot he might get one from her.

He took the note from the top and read it silently.

'Dear Sleekhair,

Merry Christmas! I hope you like what I got you, it isn't much but I believe that you will love it. I thought that maybe it could help you think and reflect when you and your father have an argument, I know it has always helped me. I am glad to be your friend, treat it well.

Love from, Bookworm'

Draco hastily started unwrapping the present. He gasped, he couldn't believe it! Why would she part with it? It was her mother's book, why would she give him something as precious as this? He turned the small book over in his hands and read the same title as he had done before, 'Alice in Wonderland'.

He hugged it closer to his chest, mostly because he wanted to treasure it forever, and partly because if his fellow Slytherins saw him with a muggle book, he would be in trouble.

He saw Hermione rushing out of the Great Hall, her new broom over her shoulder. She looked more than excited as at least half of the hall followed her out. Some of the Slytherins deiced to follow her as well, so Draco quickly stuffed all his presents in his bag and rushed out after her. 


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