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>Warning, this book you are about to view contains the following:

>Mention Of Suicide

>Mention Of Self Harm

>Mention of depression

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>Jamie.chr appears, a bright smile on the idiot's face, as their shirt has the words "Author" in all bold on a piece of paper taped onto the shirt.

>"Hey everyone, it's me, ya author."

>"Anyways, welcome to my book!"

>"Yes, I am aware that this my third Sanders Sides book. I just couldn't stop getting ideas while writing a one shot of this au."

>"The AU, of course, being a Doki Doki Literature Club AU. Which, if you have never played or watch a play through the game, I advise you to stop reading this book right now, since this is filled with spoilers."

      >"Everyone gone? Okay, so I have a few things to say about certain differences and how certain things tie in."

    >"So in the cannon of the au, it'll be kind of like a game but also like in a real life? I don't know how to explain it. But the person who takes the role of Monika will still be aware that he and the others are fictional. He'll know is a book, so be ready for that.

     >"I made Virgil as the protagonist. Originally, I was going to make it Thomas. But, that would mean having a side x Thomas, and, uh, I don't ship anything like that. So! I decided to make it Virgil! And he'll have an actual personality and be himself unlike MC, so that's neat!"

    >"Roman's still going to be a theatre/Disney geek, but it'll be portrayed differently? I don't know how to explain it? Maybe something later on will...."

>"Logan's still going to be smart, because this is Logan we're talking about here."

>"Patton still going to be Patton. I don't know what to add here."

   >"It's still going to be a Literature Club that Virgil is dragged into. I don't exactly know what else it would be. Oh, and none of the boys are related biologically or look similar either."

   >Jamie.chr stared blankly for a few moments, seeming to have short-curcited.

>"Waht was thee lst thing agin...? Oh rght!"

>Jamie.chr cleared their throat.

>"Sorry about that, every time I forget something my brain tries to get back at me by messing up my words when I speak."

>"Anyways, just like the game has certain options for certain things that require the player to choose things, I will let you, the readers, choose certain things."

>"Like for instance, I'll let you all vote on who our protagonist gets to write poems to every time out of the three sides who take the roles of Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki. Of course, there will be a deadline that I'll share when the time comes."

>"Anyways, that is all for now. Welcome to the literature club!"

>Jamie.chr took a bow, glitching out.

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