Zayn's pov°
Me and harry were cuddling up on the couch while naill and louis were at a interview, till were heard our house phone rang I untangled my arms from harry waist and grabbed the phone
"Hello" I said waiting for an answer , I heard nothing but rustling in back round and cars and I was about to hang up till
"Hello" the voice was that guy
"What do you want" I said with sass honestly I did want to hear his false bull shit
"I need help" he said still sounded pained
"Okay" I said , now harry looked up from my shoulder away from bad girls witch was on tv
"I need help...just let me speak to harry please" he said then I hear gurgling?
"Fine" I said with sigh
"Its that guy" I said then handed the phone to my confused curly headed boyfriend
"Hello"? Harry said getting up of the couch
Laim's pov
"Harry" I said, it kinda sounded like more of question but I had to make sure
"Yeah...its me...something wrong"? He said worried
"Just please meet me at Starbucks" said then paused trying to get up
"No wait behind Starbucks" I added and then stopped trying to get up because I couldn't...
Sooooo hey guys it been 6 days that counts as a week right? I hope so cause I just did, school sucks just started and I already want it to be over but I updated and have over 600 views thank you so much...I wuv u update reall soon defiantly no longer than 6 days mkay bye ~kai

Fanfiction"love can be multiplied" °zainourry° (completed in 2014) @ khiyaashe