Liam's pov
I listen to the footsteps that interrupted my thoughts of suicide , and it was Harry he picked me up and he started to walk to to the front of Starbucks I start to cough then it turned into a coughing fit I knew something was wrong I warn him but he just keeps walking then my throat starts to get dry and I feel a churn and burning sensation in my stomach that almost made me gag I close my eyes only for a while seeing if that would ease the burning pain in my stomach but it only worsened I feel blood go up my throat into my mouth and the metallic taste was gag worthy then I feel my eyes droop in fear I try to keep them open with all my left over strength but they
closed anyway then I blacked out to the feeling of body against his chest and his quickly beating heart and feeling of him run and the voices of him talking to zayn? Quickly and frighteningly after that every thing was black
Ok well I wouldn't. Call this an. Chapter its more of a filler off the last chapter of how zayn was feeling and his point of view anyway. Next chapter soon ~kai

Fanfiction"love can be multiplied" °zainourry° (completed in 2014) @ khiyaashe