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Hey guys just writing to say this is my first book so please enjoy. If you dont like it just kindly stop reading, thanks.

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"Lauren! Get up, get up! I'll send you off to Russia if you dont get up. "

"Good," I mumbled, feeling it sounds a lot better than Australia.

"Get up ya lazy cow", said my annoying thirteen year old brother Max.

Although he was two years younger than me, me and Max were treated with the exact same respect, I didn't like that.

I threw a lazy punch at Max but all I hit was air.

"Get up Lauren!" My mam said.

God, would they ever shut up. It was one of those moments where I wanted my hurl badly, but not to play hurling.

"Aaagh!" I jumped with my fists flying everywhere as I tried to punch my brother who had just emptied the rest of his water from his water bottle on me. I saw him sprinting towards the exit and I wasn't bothered to chase after him. I grabbed my plane bag with my phone in it and some extra snacks and then my sliotar and hurl.

As I walked on the platform to the place where I'd get my suitcase back, I saw the sun and even the the cool refreshing ait felt nice, I still had a feeling I would hate this place, I dont know why. It was like having a hatred for the person you're marking even though they could be a really nice person.

After waiting fifteen minutes we finally got our suitcases back, and by then I was starving, my brother Max, was never afraid to say he was hungry.

"That burger Joe place looks nice, " hinted Max.

My mam raised her eyebrows, "Did you not have pizza on the plane?"

"That tasted like shit!" Exclaimed Max.

"Watch your language young man!" My stepfather said sternly.

"Watch your language young man," my brother mimed our stepdads london accent to me, but a lot more quiet.

"Im starving too." I put in.

My mam sighed, "can you not just wait until we get to our house?"

"No." Me and Max said in union.

"Ok, Dave can you bring them over to that burger place while I feed Claire. "

"Ok, " sighed Dave as me and Max smiled.

Oh I forgot to mention Claire. She's two and boy is she annoying. Cries all night. Damn they were right. They do cry all night. But she's only my half-sister. Unlucky to have Dave for a dad.

"What do you want?" Said Dave , sighing.

"Hmm, burger and chips", said Max as usual.

"Chicken nuggets and chips, oh yeah with a coke as well."

"Oh same", said Max.

As we munched on our food at a nearby table Max took out his phone and started playing a game.

"No phones at the dinner table," my mam said.

"This is lunch, " said Max with a smirk.

My mam sighed and went back to feeding Claire. I looked around at the hollister shop and raised my eyebrows, might visit that after. I noticed a man staring at me and I realised that his eyes were pitch black. I looked away. What the flipping hell! That's impossible. He looked like he was from that music video pompeii.

"Lauren, you look like you saw a ghost, " my mam said.

"No, just a, err, just thought I saw Matt."

My mam raised her eyebrows, Matt was a guy who tried to sell me drugs. He's in prison now. That was probably the most eventful moment of my life. Except the time we won in the county league finals in Dublin.

There was silence for a minute, until Dave said awkwardly, "that was nice."

We finished our meals with barely any chat and went outside so we could order a cab.

"Woah,"I said as the boiling heatwave hit me. My t-shirt was clinging to me before my mam had taken out her phone. I gulped down half a litre of water as the cab pulled in. I clambered into the car and heaved out happily as I felt air conditioning.

Two hours later I got out of the car extremely annoyed. Cillin had been saying 'hakuna matata' for the whole journey. Even the taxi guy told him to shut up

I looked at a massive mansion expecting my mam to say, 'oh we're in the tiny bungalow down the road.

But luckily, she didn't.

My dad unlocked the front door and I walked into the hall casually. I dumped my suitcase and bags at the side of the hall and walked around curiously. This place is massive, I thought as I explored the third room which was just an empty room, nothing in it. I explored a bit more and found Max looking at a creepy painting, it was of a man in a tuxedo murdering a goat, pretty random. I turned to get my phone when something on the painting startled me, the man's eyes, they were black, just like the man at the airport. I looked at it for a minute and then my mam appeared in the hallway. "Go upstairs and sort out your rooms. "

Me and Cillin looked at each other, he was definitely faster, but I was stronger and I had a hurl in my hand. Before I could think of should I grab him or hit him with the hurl he was off, sprinting up the stairs.

"Shit, " I muttered as he reached the top with a grin on his face. Then things went wrong. A dark mist came out of nowhere and struck Cillin in the face, sending him flying down the stairs, he yelled in pain and cursed I don't know how many times. When he reached the floor he started moaning loudly.

I looked at the mist that had just knocked my brother down the stairs with fear and raised my hurl to hit it as it came towards me speedily. I swung it as hard as I could and when the two forces collided, it was me that went flying. I hit the wall hard and smashed a vase in the process. I realised the hurl wasn't in my hand anymore and I raised my hands helplessly as it came back for another fight. I yelled and cried as it speeded towards me again and all of a sudden it blew back and hit the wall by a flashing red light that somehow came from my hands. The mist dissolved and reformed to make a man in a tuxedo. The same that was in the airport, the same that was in the picture.

He grinned as he walked towards me. "You are more powerful than I thought you'd be. "

"What the fuck do you want!" I screamed in terror.

He rubbed his chin with amusement in his eyes, " Maybe, just maybe."

And then he was gone.

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