I'll Hurt You

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Background: Few months after episode three, after choosing to romance and save Louis. Louis featuring his tongue is very much in love with Clementine but he could get on her nerves.

Louis's POV

"Can I try using Chairles?'" I heard Clem say.

I look over at her shocked. I always thought she hated Chairles, I mean most of the group thought it was stupid. I'm not complaining though, the love of my life wants to use my weapon! That doesn't sound as romantic as I thought it would.

"Sure!" I eagerly hand her the chair leg. I normally wouldn't let anyone touch it, but Clem's special.

She smiles at me as she carefully takes it from me. My heart almost explodes when I see her smile. How did I ever manage to get her to date me?

The moment is ruined by groaning coming from behind me.

"Watch this!" Clem whispers enthusiastically.

She positions the chair leg in her hands and runs the fastest I've ever seen her run towards the walker.

She jumps into the air and kicks the walker with her foot. Once the walker is laying on the ground she hits it in the head as hard as she could with chairles.

It gets stuck in the walkers head and she struggles to get it out. Eventually she steps on the walker with both feet and finally frees chairles from the walkers head, but chairles slips from her grasp and it goes flying back and misses my head by an inch.

Clementine quickly turns around and runs towards me. She grabs my head and moves it around as she examines it.

"Oh my god Louis! Are you okay? Did I hit you? I didn't know that would happen, I'm so sorry!" She blurts out, she clearly felt really bad.

But I can't help it, I burst out laughing and soon she did too.

"What was that supposed to be? It was like a scene out of a movie and then you almost killed me!" I could barley breathe because I was laughing so hard.

She slapped my arm playfully.

"Hey! Stop laughing, I didn't know it'd get stuck," She said, taking breaks between her words to catch her breathe.

"Come on, we should get you cleaned up," I say as I wipe some walker blood off of Clem's perfect nose.

We walked towards the river while holding hands. Once we got there, Clem swiftly bent over and got some water to wash off her face.

"All done!" Clem said as she stood up straight and swung her body around to face me.

"Aw, I had a nice view, could you turn around and bend over again?" I ask as I frown.

Clem's face burns bright red. And she doesn't say anything as she traces her foot along the floor with her hands behind her back. Her head stays down as she stares at the floor.

I start to get worried that I crossed a line.

"I'm so-" I start

"I'll do you one better," Clem finally says as she looks up.

A second later Clem leaned in and kissed me. I froze up for a second but as soon as she went to pull away, I put my hands on her waist and pulled her towards me.

Even though we've been dating for a while, Clem and I never really did stuff like this. Clem was always focusing on food supply and things like that, so I don't know what possessed me to ruin this perfect moment.

But, as soon as the kiss started to get a little steamy, I shoved Clem into the river.

As soon as I did it I wanted to die. Clem emerges from the water and screamed at the top of her lungs. She frantically splashed around until she was able to find the edge of the river. At that point I had put out my hand for her to take.

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